LionSearch Searching Basics
Researching topic can be a daunting task especially if the topic is complex. The Penn State Library offers a robust database to pull out information from numerous sources. This week, we are task to conduct a research within Penn State Library about blockchain. It is important for any user to log in using his or his PSU credentials in order to enjoy the libraries feature such as saving your research.
- The three Boolean Operators that can be use while conducting a research in LionSearch are:
- AND – this operator helps the researcher to narrow the search by showing ONLY the records that match all the criteria.
- OR – used to broaden the search which will return with the results that show records that match any of the SPECIFIED criteria.
- NOT – narrows the search of the user as it excludes any item containing specific search terms
- Explain the how the results will be between when searching this query “information systems” versus this query information systems.
The result from the query “information systems” yield to a specific result whereas information system query will return any results that has information or systems attached in it.

- If you wanted to see if the Penn State Libraries had a book, but only knew the ISBN number (0521337399), then what is the query you would need to enter
For this particular exercise, only ISBN is available which is 0521337399, but in some scenario, you may have the title, author of the book, publisher etc.…, that you can input at the drop down (see Figure 2).
To refine the search, navigate to Advanced Search and input the ISBN number as seen on the screenshot.

- What is the title of the book? The book title is “Plans and situated actions: the problem of human-machine communication.”
- Who is the author? Suchman, Lucille Alice
Part 2 – Learning about Queries
- In LionSearch, enter the query Penn State. Note how many results LionSearch returned. The result were 3,281,636
- In LionSearch, enter the query “Penn State”. Note how many results were: The results were 1,147,912. The result was less than the first query because the quotation mark helps narrow down to specific criteria.
- In LionSearch, enter the query “Penn State” NOT football. Note how many results were return
- What is this query asking the search engine to find? This exercise tells the query to look for items within the library that reply to Penn State but leaving any criteria that has Penn State football.
Part 3 – Query Blockchain Technology
- Describe the subject about which you are searching for information.
The topic/subject I will be working in researching is about Blockchain.
- List the query you will use to find the information about the subject you chose. Remember to consider using Boolean operators to improve your result Your search should include at least the words Blockchain and technology.
The query that I am planning in using to conduct my research:
- “Blockchain”
- Blockchain OR Cryptocurrency
- Answer this: How many results were returned from your query?
“Blockchain” – yields to 147,537 results
Blockchain OR Cryptocurrency – results were 4,931
- List the titles of the first three results returned.
The three results were from “Blockchain” query:
- Blockchain by Hirsh, Sandra • Alman, Susan Webreck
- BLOCKCHAIN: the next everything by Williams, Stephen
- Blockchain By Laurence, Tiana
The three results were from Blockchain OR Cryptocurrency query:
- Cryptocurrency: bitcoin, blockchain and beyond by Rosen Publishing Group, New York Times Company, New York Times Educational Publishing
- Introducing Ethereum and Solidity: Foundations of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Programming for Beginners by Dannen, Chris
- Blockchain hurricane: origins, applications, and future of blockchain and cryptocurrency by Baucherel, Kate
- Answer this: Did the query return adequate results? If your answer is “yes”, then state why you think so. If your answer is “no”, then state how you could change your query to get better result
With the couple test query, the return were inadequate to conduct my research about blockchain. However, it is good enough as a primary research or as a baseline to further my research on the subject. For instance, the next query will be (Blockchain OR Technology) then I will add cryptocurrency at the end– wrapping the blockchain and technology together through parenthesis means grouping them. This is great way to refine the search as it gathers two different search and merged all the results while leaving out duplicates.
- Filter the results to include only those materials that have Full Text Online.
Figure 3: Filter to Full Text Online Next, you will save THREE items so that you can perform additional tasks with them. To add these items to your save folder, click on the Saved Items icon (a folder with a plus (+) sign).
Save the Item(s) to perform additional task later on This will add your results to your “Flow” folder. To see the items in the folder, click on the folder icon at the top of the page.
- Format the search results in APA format by clicking on the As shown on search results drop box at the top of the page. Then copy and paste the items into your document.
7. Format the search results in APA format by clicking on the As shown on search results drop box at the top of the page.