March 2018 archive

The Best and Worst of One Page Designs

I find that one page designs can either work very well or very tragic. It’s usually never in between. The way one page website designs work is that you literally have one page and all of the important info is in one single scroll. This may include the about page, contact information, references, reviews, etc. It all depends what the company is about. The thing I find you cannot do with a one page layout is to have a lot of clicking around. It’s supposed to be a simple scroll where all the information is easy to find. Here are three websites from best to worst, at least in my opinion.

Sal & Pepper. Yum! The two ingredients that make a steak delicious. They are also a web programming consulting firm that has created a very successful

Image result for salt and pepper agency website

Salt & Pepper want to show their audience that they are creative and reliable. I feel like the design is very interactive but also simple to use. It’s not difficult to find what they offer to their clients. In my opinion, this site is very successful since the colors aren’t distracting, it’s clean and the text is easy to read. The only thing I would change about the website is to darken the light grey text. I really struggle to read it swiftly because I think it is too light and blends in with the background.

Overall, I think it is an effective layout method. The creators made a nice order in which the website is laid out. First they have down what they do, who works there, their projects, and the brands they have worked with. Their qualifications are there along with a little bit about the workers and job descriptions. It’s a very easy to use website.

Image result for odc2017 website

Another website that caught my attention was the One Design Company. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure about what the purpose of this company is for except that maybe they do app and website design. The website does not have an about page or any other information except on their past projects.

Some strong visual elements that brought me to this website was the font and the colors. It makes me think “fruity” when I see this website and since I love fruit, that really caught my attention. It didn’t take long for me to get sort of lost and irritated with the website though. Everything you hover over moves and makes it hard for me to read things. I quickly felt like I was fighting to get to know this company.

I can see that they have many clients who have asked for their creative skills but it makes me wonder who “they” are. I don’t know anything about when this company was founded or where it is located. If I even wanted to contact them, I wouldn’t know how. The entire website moves too fast and there are too many clicks.

Image result for lmgonzalves websiteHow I would describe the last website is that it’s just complicated. I’m fighting myself between irritating and just plain cool. The website is more of a personal website about a guy named Luis and he is a front end developer and an engineer. The website contains a bunch of clicking around. For example, if you check out the image above you can see one letter is not filled in with white. If you hovered over any of the letters, a different description would come up on each. At first, I didn’t notice this but then the closer I looked, the more intrested I became. Overall, I think his website is more artistic than actually usable and reliable. As a viewer, I am mostly just lost on here.