Vegans, Vegetarians, Ecologists… I’m Extremely Sorry…

It sounds kind of eerie to start this last blog post apologizing, but I feel like I have to. As I said in the title, I’m extremely sorry to all the vegans, vegetarians, and ecologists of the world, yet I just can’t help but feel that meat, specifically beef, is the best possible gastronomical experience one can be submerged into. Throughout the course of the last 10 weeks, I’ve given you just a slight overview of what my culinary passions are. And the obvious reality is that I left many out. 10 blog posts are not enough to talk about the wonderful and complex world of food. The only thing that I had for certain, however, was that this was going to be my last post, in some sort of emotional final tribute to gastronomy. And when it comes down to feeling pleasure when eating, nothing beats a quality steak or any other meat product, to be honest.

Every time I get the question of what my favorite food or restaurant is, my answer is always the same: I don’t know. There are many things I like. And although this is 100% true, if I would give an answer other than the ambiguous I don’t know, it would definitely be related to meat. Steak, Spanish ham, Steak TartareCarpaccio… there’s an infinite number of possible dishes that stem from a high-quality meat product, and I absolutely enjoy all of them.

Thinking about the best culinary experiences of my life, there’s one that always stands out above all others. That is when my family and I visited the, at the time, considered to best meat restaurant in the world. The place is called El Capricho and it’s located in the vast plains of northeastern Spain where their amazing “army” of beef cattle rest. The restaurant lies in submerged chilly underground of the Spanish fields in what in the past was a small winery. That day, I had the privilege of eating one of the best steaks I’ve ever had in my life (see the photo I took right below). The meat came from one of the exclusive old-aged cows the restaurant owned and as soon as we took the first bites we could feel the intensity of the flavor due to this. Eating this steak, cooked “bloody” (it’s not even an option there; it always comes rare), was like eating pure butter for how tender it was. It had everything a great steak has to have: excellent texture, intense and leveraged flavors, and an absolutely perfect cooking point.

Steaks like this one are definitely unique gastronomical experiences to have, and they’re certainly the food with which I enjoy eating the most, but meat embraces much more than just these “cuts.” A well-condimented steak tartare made with quality meat is also another highlighted dish at any good restaurant. At El Capricho it looks just as shown on the image at the right. And, now that my journey in the blog world is coming to an end, I want to mention how important Spanish ham is for me as my final remarks. Spanish ham, not Italian prosciutto, not regular supermarket ham, but rather Spanish ham is without a doubt one of the best things from my country and is also one of the best meat products in the world. The taste of just the thinnest of the slices, has such a powerful yet perfectly balanced taste, that it renders it unique from any other food you could possibly think off. And when you start to think about the care received by the special breeds of pigs that provide us with this magical product, you even appreciate it more. As I’m literally out of words to describe how Spanish ham tastes like or feels like, I’ll just leave you with a photo and let your imagination write the last sentences of my blog.

2 thoughts on “Vegans, Vegetarians, Ecologists… I’m Extremely Sorry…”

  1. This might be my favorite of your blog posts because I agree with it entirely. I also love meat, especially steak. My roommate this year is my first friend who is a vegetarian and she definitely has influenced me to not eat as much meat as I did previously, but I could never go fully without it!

  2. Apology accepted. I do appreciate how well animals are taken care of (a part of when they are killed for food), but they are valued in order to ensure the quality of the meat produced. The Spanish ham looks good, but that steak…did they straight up chop a cow’s leg off? Overall, I appreciate the distinct choices you make in terms of diction to make a powerful and passionate impact on the reader.

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