Monthly Archives: February 2014

“One day we will dance in celebration. Until then, we dance for a cure.”

After last weeks post alluding to THON weekend, I figured that it would only be right to make this post regard how inspirational this event truly was. The theme of THON was “redefining the possibilities.” Just like the name, Penn … Continue reading

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When you’re at THON (the hospital) all people tell you is “keep moving” (“get better soon”). The pain from your feet (from cancer) is so difficult to bare. But some things help alleviate it, like ice baths (chemo) or massages (radiation). You get tons of dancer mail(letters, balloons, flowers, and prayers) from all the people you know and love and it helps you smile again and gives you a little more energy to keep going (keep fighting the cancer). When you’re at THON they give you tons of food but I never really ate too much(chemo makes it difficult to enjoy the same food and there is are only a few things you can bare to eat). You do the line dance (get check ups and treatments) every hour to help you stay awake. -Anonymous

Although this is not the normal quote I choose to comment on every week, it is a part of a letter a girl I knew wrote about THON. As we all may now, THON is this weekend. I’ve never been … Continue reading

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“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” –Unknown

This quote is one of my favorite quotes, ever. I believe that each point in this quote, that contributes to a “beautiful person” are each valuable in shaping that particular person. Beautiful people don’t just happen. You can’t simply wake … Continue reading

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