DART Final: World 2.0 Story

Time to take the gloves off, and tell the story:

Setting: World 2.0 is a cyberkpunk webcomic set in a crumbled utopia ravaged by flesh-eating mutants, and blood-thirsty militants. With the tyrannical regimes that rule more interested in fighting over the ruins of earth, day to day order is maintained by ruthless mercenaries.

You guys get to have an inside look at whats to come, and what the story will truly be about.

Sequence 1 Plot: The story opens with two different mercenary factions battling over a derelict spaceship, in order to retrieve it’s long-range travel technology. During the battle, one of the mercenaries discovers a working cryogenic pod, containing a living cyborg. Once freed, the cyborg enters the fray, helping the mercenaries who freed him secure the objective. After the battle, he learns about the degenerate state of the world. Having nothing left to fight for, and embittered that his lifetime of good deeds had amounted to nothing, he decides to join his new allies as a mercenary.

Synthetik, the protagonist of the story. I came up with him a few years ago to be a superhero, but overtime thought that he would make a better anti-hero/hasbeen-hero.

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