This week was both helpful and terrible, mostly due to my own stupidity. I managed to shorten my Project Statement so that its not so long-winded. I got it down to roughly 2/3 to 1/2 the length as it was before. I was supposed to meet with Cromar twice this week, on Tuesday the meeting fell through when my wifi went down. On Thursday I got wrapped up with work from anther class and totally forgot about the meeting. The first time was an accident, but that second one was all on me. That certainly won’t be fun to deal with.
On the plus side I registered a new domain for my portfolio this weekend, and will further focus on developing a sitemap this week and start going over previous assignments and freelance work that I can upload to the site once I get a basic framework going. I cocked up bad this week, but maybe acting like a fool was the wakeup call I needed to get my head in the game.