Entry 7/3/21

I’ve come to realize that the portfolio may take a much greater amount of money to get rolling than I originally anticipated.  Not that this is an issue, but it is worth noting.

The reason for this, is that I figured that one of the stock themes that come with bluehost would have been enough. After all, the theme for my Webcomic was a free theme, and it was incredibly reliable and modular. I now realize that this was a deceiving outlier. I have been experimenting with many different themes these past few weeks, but I keep running into the same problems: stock options that are difficult, if not outright impossible to change.

credit where credit is due, the most recent theme I tried, PhotoFocus, helped me to get a good idea of what I want the site to look like. And so far, the theme hasn’t made things too difficult for me in terms of modifying the site or displaying content.

I’m somewhat torn on wether I should continue experimenting with PhotoFocus, and hoping that it continues to prove reliable, or buying the Genesis theme pack to apply to my site. It’s not cheap and I would have to buy the theme from another website, and I don’t know if its being offered from the hosting service that sells it, or if I would get the theme itself and transfer it to my current host. TLDR: Geneis might be specifically for one hosting service and buying it may not guarantee that it will transfer to another hosting service.

As a side note, I’ve been brushing up on my CSS coding and general code skills to be better at fine tuning the site regardless of the theme, it makes some of the modifying easier.

The Freelance Page of my site using the photofocus theme, this jenga tower look was something that I hoped to achieve and the theme itself has so far given me few if any issues.

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