Online Learning Resources

Here is a listing of various tutorials, articles, and guides I’ve created over the years. May contain humor and/or regrettable coding decisions.


Beginning Data Visualization in Unity: Scatterplot Creation

A guide to creating a scatterplot from scratch in Unity game engine using C# scripting.

Beginning Data Visualization in Unity: Scatterplot Creation

Creating Artificial GIS Data with Open Source Tools

A guide for quickly creating artificial spatial data without a dedicated geographical information system (GIS). Uses open-source Inkscape vector art software and R scripting.

Link to Guide on GitHub

Social Data Analytics 502 Tutorial

A guide for visualizing and mapping portions of large event datasets in R, which were automatically generated from news reports and coded according to a common scheme (CAMEO). Presented as part of coursework in Social Data Analytics: Approaches and Issues.

Part 1 on GitHub

Part 2 on GitHub


R Plotting and Mapping Tutorial (Geospatial Data Workshop 2017)

R Tutorial originally presented live at the Geospatial Data Science 2017 workshop, which I co-organized along with Dr. Eun-Kyeong Kim. Focuses on basic plotting and basic GIS operations in R.

Link to Tutorial on GitHub


The Total Beginner’s Guide to Better 2D Game Art

An article on basic art principles for non-artists, targeted at beginning game developers making their own art assets.

Link to article hosted on – New Site 

Link to article hosted on Old Site