Welcome to my passion blog, entitled “Human Equality”! On this blog, various topics in the media surrounding differences amongst groups of people will be discussed and, as a reader, you will think about your deep-seated prejudices and biases.
That last part might seem like a lot to handle. You’re probably thinking about yourself, “Me? I’m a good person! I’m so nice to people! There’s no way the way I live negatively impacts others, right?”.
While you may be a fine person, each of us (myself included) have grown up in a society where certain groups are oppressed or viewed in a negative light. Microaggressions and curt, snide comments are constantly tossed around, which society too often overlooks. We are members of this society, and have the power as a generation to shift the tide.
Through this blog, I am very excited to highlight how working toward equality and equity will not only benefit minorities, but all people. Issues such as racism, misogyny/misandry, homophobia, transphobia, gender-based laws, and the polarization of politics all contribute to our country’s divide.
If any of the aforementioned topics make you feel defensive, ask yourself why you feel this way. Do not stop reading, just ponder with yourself for a moment. Keep in mind: the purpose of this blog is to make you reevaluate your preconceived notions and mindset.
Only once we are all treated as equals will we know true peace with one another.
& No, I do not think I am initiating world peace by typing 300 words per week on a website.
However, having difficult, uncomfortable, and sometimes awkward discussions about equality and oppression is how we can grow and become more informed about how to help others. I certainly do not claim to be perfect nor have all the solutions, but I am very passionate about the importance of evening the playing field for everyone.
Let me be clear: do not approach this page with political argumentation, as human rights should not be debatable and are not a political opinion. I will refer to non-partisan sources for statistics and information I share, because we are stronger together in wake of fixing societal issues and making the world a better place for all its citizens. The purpose of these posts are to step outside a set ideology and form your own opinions with fresh eyes and an open mind.
We all share the same identity despite any differences: we are human. Join me as we delve into how to start living with humanity.
“Human Kind”: let’s be both.