Self CriTikTok

As I viewed my presentation’s recording with the eye of a reviewer critic, I found positives and negatives in my presentation and delivery.


I am pleased with the way I included all of the points I wanted to mention such as TikTok’s popularity being attributed to taking advantage of teens’ kairotic moment of finding comfort in like-minded people. I’m glad I made sure to discuss pathos, ethos, logos, and commonplaces as well. When I originally practiced this speech I included these points, but was worried that as I spoke extemporaneously I might not include key topic.


Another positive part of the presentation was that I thought I gave solid explanations for each of my reasons that TikTok is a civic artifact. I provided examples of the young userbase creating active political influence at the Tulsa rally, of musicians like Doja Cat whose careers skyrocketed due to TikTok dance trends, and influencers such as Charli D’Amelio whose newly-found fame has built her a multimillion dollar net-worth and career.


The main aspect of my presentation that needs improvement is my pace. As I watched the video of my presentation, I realized that I was not consistent with the rhythm of my presentation; instead, I talked slowly, then switched to an almost too-quick speed when I wanted to wrap things up and not go overtime.


Three things that occurred during the presentation that I did not realize include awkward pauses, such as in between words in a sentence when I was thinking or processing. I thought that these moments passed much quicker than they did in my head, but it turns out that is not the case.


Next, I did not realize how often I looked away from the camera until I watched the video. Lastly, I did not realize how often I repeated the concept explanation of the For You Page. I knew I touched on it a few times, but did not catch how often I reexplained it until I watched my presentation.


Overall, this project was a great learning experience to present via Zoom instead of a live audience and seeing how different it is energy-wise and which habits develop due to the new set-up. Watching my presentation on video was also a good experience to see which things occur while I present that I have never previously noticed. I look forward to improving my presentation skills both in-person and virtually!

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