The Four Seasons Ranked: Weather, not the Band

Everyone has their own opinions about weather patterns. Some people love the snow and move up north, while others choose to bask in the sunlight year-round. Many people are somewhere in between these extreme preferences and enjoy experiencing four seasons each year.


For me personally, I have always been grateful to live in a state (Pennsylvania) that goes through the weather changes each season. I see it as a nice way to welcome a new period of time. Once someone becomes tired of one season, the next one is nearly here. I love this versatility because I never know what temperatures tomorrow will bring (unless I check the anticipated forecast, of course, but those are often inaccurate).


I enjoy all the beautiful moments of each season and think they are all beautiful; however, I would be lying if I said I had no preferences regarding the climates in each season.


Without further ado, here is my ranking of the four weather seasons, from my least favorite to my favorite:


4. Spring

Image result for spring

Photo source: Britannica


Now I know that you are thinking: “Mary, how can you look at a beautiful photo of blossoming flowers, partly cloudy blue skies, and super green grass yet still rank spring as your least favorite season?”. To this question I respond: “Easily”. Although I love springtime’s stunning displays of creation of flora and fauna, as well as holidays such as Easter, Mother’s Day, and the infamous April Fool’s Day, spring never seems like the best season to me.


Realistically, springtime in my hometown is typically very damp and rainy. These April showers do bring May flowers which are beautiful, but I am not a huge fan of the actual “April showers” portion of that deal. Each day during the spring there’s always the looming suspicion that it could rain at any moment, which is frankly unnecessary stress for everyone.


3. Winter

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Photo source: Living on Earth


We are currently in the midst of winter now, and I have mixed feelings about this season. Contrary to many people, I enjoy snow, as it paints the world of nature a brilliant, sparkling white. There is truly something special about the first snowfall of winter after anticipating it after a few weeks of frost. I do not love being cold, yet I love the way people can see their breath outdoors and how people still find amusement in this realization each year, no matter their age.


The holiday season is also a benefit to winter, as everyone seems a bit happier around the time of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s celebrations. The main reason that winter is listed as my third favorite is the discomfort of being too cold when outside for too long, the dangers of driving on possible black ice, and the way that shoveling snow gets old reallllly fast.


2. Summer

Image result for summer

Photo source: Conde Nast Traveler


Summer is one of the best times of the year, when everyone feels so free and relaxed. The sun is shining outside nearly every day, the beach is packed with families and friends (ideally not during COVID-19, of course!), and everyone is happy.


Summertime is a very close second place because it is my favorite season climate-wise but not overall. This is due to the fact that sometimes the heat of summer is unbearable and uncomfortable. I love not having any school assignments to do and being able to relax outdoors in the pleasant outdoors, but sunburn is not my favorite experience, which puts a small damper on the otherwise incredible yearly experience of summertime.


1. Autumn

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Photo source: Town & Country


Autumn is my all time favorite season for a plethora of reasons. Despite spring technically being the season of nature’s new beginnings due to the flowers blooming and animals being born, I see the fall as a new beginning each year for humans. Autumn brings the transition from summer heat to a pleasant temperature, then to a chilly sweater-weather season.


This season typically also brings the start of a new school year, holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, sports seasons beginning, and people re-congregating after being apart during summer vacations. The bright colors of leaves are a stunning sight to behold, and the crunch of fallen leaves underneath my boots makes me smile on the inside every time. The temperature is very nice, people are excited for new things, and overall it is the best season in my eyes.

Which season is your favorite?

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