Most Importantly, Respect.

As this will be the last post on here from my first semester of college, I want to focus on an essential aspect of human equality: respect.   Often, in life, we come across people who are different than ourselves. Maybe they look differently, talk differently, have a completely different life experience than you have, […]

Why is Love Controversial?

The majority of people want to live in a peaceful, happy environment. This includes one’s spouse, children, getting along with peers, and overall positive living conditions. Creating a family with someone you love is a commonplace action that happens to the majority of people.   So why is one couple to be fawned over for […]

Misogyny Harms Men, Too

Misogyny is a hatred or dislike of, or prejudice against women.   Misogyny is deep-seated in sexist gender roles, with the idea that women are supposed to be submissive and in a place of servitude instead of men and women being viewed equally. This viewpoint originates from numerous places such as the tale of Adam […]

Human Kind – Let’s Be Both

Welcome to my passion blog, entitled “Human Equality”! On this blog, various topics in the media surrounding differences amongst groups of people will be discussed and, as a reader, you will think about your deep-seated prejudices and biases.   That last part might seem like a lot to handle. You’re probably thinking about yourself, “Me? […]

Passion Blog

Welcome to “Human Equality”! On this blog page, I will be discussing different aspects of society and how we all can come to a common level of equality and equity, despite all factors that make us unique as individuals. I hope to make you, as a reader, think about society’s pre-supposed notions of certain people […]