Self CriTikTok

As I viewed my presentation’s recording with the eye of a reviewer critic, I found positives and negatives in my presentation and delivery.   I am pleased with the way I included all of the points I wanted to mention such as TikTok’s popularity being attributed to taking advantage of teens’ kairotic moment of finding […]

TikTok: If the Year 2020 Was an App

How much time do you spend on electronics daily? It is a well-known statistic that a typical teenager spends hours of time on their phones each day, mainly perusing social media. One newly-popular social media powerhouse is TikTok, where users create videos less than a minute long. Over the past year, these videos have spanned […]

Just a Children’s App

Nowadays, you can rarely spend 24 hours without hearing someone reference the infamous social media powerhouses of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat. These “stay connected with friends” apps have created platforms for countless influencers and celebrities, and now consume hours of teenagers’ time as they instinctively whip out their phones to scroll and double-tap whenever […]

“We Are” #1 – from Football to Alcoholism

Vomiting in the street, shattering car windows, and losing parts of one’s memory: the college nightly routine and American dream.   Across the country, college students dress up night after night with plans to get wasted, then wake up for their 8am class the next morning and do it all again. This unhealthy routine is […]