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Tag Archives: Group 2
MATH33 Reflection – Ian Hepler
For me, math has never been something I enjoyed. I took algebra, geometry, and calculus in high school, and I never found myself getting excited to go to class in the same way I did for English, chemistry, or art. … Continue reading
Calculations Show Carbon A Tax May Save You More Money Than It Takes
Introduction: It is getting colder and colder in State College. As an effect of climate change, the weather will get more extreme. Carbon dioxide is a well-known greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Banning all carbon dioxide emissions is … Continue reading
Write and Respond: The Power of the Consumer in the Palm Oil Industry – Ian Hepler
The Power of the Consumer in the Palm Oil Industry Ramen noodles, lipstick, chocolate, and laundry detergent. If asked to name one common factor between these four products, many would fail to produce an answer. There is one, however, and it … Continue reading
Posted in Write and Respond
Tagged CO2 Emissions, Group 2, Land loss, Orangutan population, Palm Oil Plantations, Write&Respond
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Flooding in New Orleans
In the world today, there are many areas that are affected by damaging, life-threatening floods. While this is happening across the globe, many people may not be aware that it could be occurring in the country that they call home. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized, Write and Respond
Tagged climate change, Flood, Group 2, Rising Sea Levels
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In the News: Sea Rise Will Threaten Many Major Cities by 2050
In a recent New York Times article, authored by Denise Lu and Christopher Flavelle, it was reported that studies suggest around three times more people (or around 150,000,000 people) are currently living in area’s that may well be underwater by … Continue reading
In the News Week 3 Post 2 : Erin M
This week I read an article from the New York Times that discussed the struggles both California and Australia are facing in relation to an increase of wild and bush fires with few ways to stop them. California’s wild fires … Continue reading
In the News: Pennsylvania Governor Wolf’s Carbon Tax is All Pain and No Gain
Background: Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf joined RGGI (Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative). This initiative is to reduce power plants’ greenhouse gas emissions. It’s a cap and trade system, and it is similar to the carbon tax system. In short, those who … Continue reading
Sea Levels Rising, Cities Lowering – Erin M.
This week I read an article in the New York Times about how many coastal cities we know today will be underwater by the year 2050 due to the constant rising sea levels. The rise in sea levels has been caused … Continue reading
In The News: Another Landfill in PA is Running Out of Space | Group 2
According to PhillyMag’s article “Only One State Has More Trash Per Capita Than Pennsylvania,” by importing trash from other states, Pennsylvania can make $4 billion annually. According to “Friends of Lackawanna,” Dunmore and Throop have been home to one of … Continue reading
Renewable Energy Isn’t Our Hail Mary (Group 2)
https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/21/business/renewable-energy-solar-iea/index.html Many believe that the key to reversing the effects of climate change (or simply stopping our impact on it) is by finding the holy grail of renewable energy technology. For those people, go on, celebrate. However, the rest of … Continue reading