Category Archives: Tech Support

How to create a hyperlink

I’ve enjoyed reading all of your posts for this first week!
Something that I have been noticing is that people are having trouble using a hyperlinks. Below is a brief tutorial on how to do this properly. Feel free when you commenting on each other’s posts to try uploading another link (even if it’s just to google).

1. type in the address

2. highlight the address. When this happens you should be able to click on the tool that looks like a paper clip on above the text book.

3. It will ask you for a URL from there you can type or copy and past the URL from the link you are choosing to use.

4. make sure on the format section seen on the right side of your page you have clicked link. Usually most posts are automatically set to standard.


If there are any additional Questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Math equations

One of the topics of the course will be on exponential functions. Understanding exponential functions can allow you to quantitatively describe the growth structure of a model. You will not have a problems that look like this, however showing your work will be vital.

Question: f(x)= 5×
log²(5)+ 5log²(3)= log²(5) + log²(3⁵)=
log²(5×3⁵) or log²(1215)

Edits by John Roe: here is how to use LaTeX/MathJax to display these

[ f(x) = 5^x. ]

[ log(5) + 5log(3) = log(5) + log(3^5) = log(5times 3^5) = log(1215). ]




How to write math expressions on the blog

To write mathematical expressions in your blog posts, you can use a piece of software called MathJax.  To write a MathJax formula in your post, you enclose it within special parentheses: for inline formulas (those that appear in the same line as your text), enclose the formula in (…), and for displayed formulas (those that appear on a line of their own), use […] .  These parentheses signal to your browser to run a code snippet that renders your formula in elegant mathematical notation.  (You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser for MathJax to work properly.)

This tutorial is brief; a much longer one can be found on StackExchange.  To see how any of the formulas was made, right-click on it and choose “Show Math As > TeX Commands”.  This will show you the MathJax code that was put between the parentheses to generate that expression. Continue reading