Functions, limits; analytic geometry; derivatives, differentials, applications; integrals, applications. Students may only take one course for credit from MATH 110, 140, 140A, 140B, and 140H.
Prerequisite:MATH 022,
MATH 026; or
MATH 040 or
MATH 041 or
satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination
Derivatives, integrals, applications; sequences and series; analytic geometry; polar coordinates. Students may take only one course for credit from MATH 141, 141B, and 141H.
Prerequisite:MATH 140,
MATH 140A,
MATH 140B or
Systems of linear equations; matrix algebra; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; linear systems of differential equations.
Prerequisite:MATH 110,
MATH 140 or
Three-dimensional analytic geometry; vectors in space; partial differentiation; double and triple integrals; integral vector calculus. Students who have passed either Math 231 or 232 may not schedule Math 230 or 230H for credit.
Prerequisite:MATH 141 or
First- and second-order equations; special functions; Laplace transform solutions; higher order equations. Students who have passed MATH 251 may not schedule this course for credit.
Prerequisite:MATH 141
First- and second-order equations; special functions; Laplace transform solutions; higher order equations; Fourier series; partial differential equations.
Prerequisite:MATH 141 or
Probability concepts; nature of statistical methods; elementary distribution and sampling theory; fundamental ideas relative to estimation and testing hypotheses.
3 credits of calculus
A consideration of selected topics in the foundations of mathematics, with emphasis on development of basic meaning and concepts.
Prerequisite:MATH 141
Combinatorial analysis, axioms of probability, conditional probability and independence, discrete and continuous random variables, expectation, limit theorems, additional topics. Students who have passed either MATH(STAT) 414 or 418 may not schedule this course for credit.
Prerequisite:MATH 141
Review of calculus, properties of real numbers, infinite series, uniform
convergence, power series. Students who have passed Math 403 may not schedule
this course.
Prerequisite:MATH 230 or
MATH 231
Orthogonal systems and Fourier series; derivation and classification of partial
differential equations; eigenvalue function method and its applications;
additional topics.
Prerequisite:MATH 230;
MATH 250 or
MATH 251
Infinite sequences and series; algebra and
geometry of complex numbers; analytic functions; integration; power series;
residue calculus; conformal mapping, applications.
Prerequisite:MATH 230,
MATH 232 or
MATH 405;
MATH 401 or
MATH 403
Nature of operations research,
problem formulation, model construction, deriving solution from models,
allocation problems, general linear allocation problems, inventory problems.
Prerequisite:MATH 141 and
MATH 220
Euclidean and various non-Euclidean geometries and their development from postulate systems. Students who have passed MATH 427 may not schedule MATH 471.
Prerequisite:MATH 230 or
MATH 231
Vector spaces, linear
transformations, matrices determinants, characteristic values and vectors,
systems of linear equations, applications to discrete models.
Prerequisite:MATH 220
Vector spaces, linear
transformations, matrices, determinants, characteristic values and vectors,
systems of linear equations, applications to discrete models.
Prerequisite:MATH 430
Differential and difference equations and their application to biology, chemistry, and physics; techniques in dynamical systems theory.
Prerequisites:MATH 250 or
MATH 251
Constructing mathematical models of physical phenomena; topics include pendulum
motion, polymer fluids, chemical reactions, waves, flight, and chaos.
either MATH 315 and
MATH 430 or
MATH 405 or
MATH 412
Floating point computation, numerical rootfinding, interpolation, numerical quadrature, direct methods for linear systems. Students may take only one course for credit from MATH 451 and MATH 455.
Prerequisite:CMPSC 201,
CMPSC 202 or
CMPSC 121;
MATH 220;
MATH 230 or
MATH 231
A global survey of the history of mathematics as viewed as a human response to cultural, political, economic, and societal pressures.
Prerequisite:MATH 315 or