Logos in Advertisment


Logos is something that is commonly used in advertisements. It uses the logistics and reason to get the audience to listen or sell the product. In this ad, they are clearly using logos to get their point across.

They try to put all the facts on the poster so as you are reading it, you are taking all the logistics into consideration. Although smoking today is a commonplace, he is trying to get people to stop hence the facts next to it. The reason I say smoking is a commonplace is because it is known everywhere. Not just in the United States but all over the world. Although it may not be appreciated by all, it certainly is recognized.

Image result for cigarettes
image via Washington Post


I feel whoever made this advertisement also thought about basic ideologies that we all have. By putting the cigarettes in the position to look like bullets going into a gun, there is already a bias toward this commercial. The common ideology of guns is of violence and death.  Also the idea of disease, cancer, and depression also have negative connotations which I feel really sells this whole ad. It makes you really think and consider the actual risk of smoking and the reason and ties it off with a powerful visual.

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