Ok, hey guys! Today’s experiment isn’t really an actual experiment but more a person of interest. Studies were also done on him so I guess we could call it an experiment. The person we will be talking about today is Phineas Gage, who is known as neuroscience’s most favorite patient. Almost every intro Psychology textbook or […]
Category: Uncategorized
Different Experiments in Psychology: Hawthorne Effect
The psychology experiment that we will be talking about today is based on the formation of the Hawthorne Effect. The Hawthorne effect basically just says that people tend to act in a different manner or work harder when they know others are watching. In today’s society, we see that with a lot of things. Athletes […]
Different Experiments in Psychology: Loftus and Palmer Study
The experiment we will be looking at today is the Loftus and Palmer’s experiment. Elizabeth Loftus is a psychologist that mainly studied memory. She was interested not only in the different types of memory, but the distortion of it as well. She argued that memory can be easily distorted, and this often leads to misleading […]
Different Experiments in Psychology: Milgram’s Obedience Study
The experiment we will be talking about today is Milgram’s obedience study. This study can indeed be viewed as another famous study. Stanley Milgram was a psychologist at Yale University. As he watched the Nuremberg Trials, he was surprised at how many soldiers that worked in the holocaust had all the same response. They had […]
Different Experiments in Psychology: The Bobo Doll Experiment
Today’s experiment we will be focusing on observational behavior. This famous experiment was conducted by Albert Bandura. This same psychologist presents the social learning theory, which will go on to be something that is frequently taught today in psychology. The theory says that along with classical conditioning and other methods, learning can also be acquired […]
Different Experiments in Psychology: Robber’s Cave Experiment
The next experiment we will be talking about is the Robber’s Cave experiment. This famous experiment was done by Muzafer Sherif. Sherif was a famous social psychologist that came up with the Realist Conflict Theory. This is used to explain the reason for negative conflict and discrimination between two groups that are in competition for […]
Different Experiments in Psychology: Baby Albert Experiment
The Little Albert Experiment was a classic experiment performed by behaviorist John Watson. This experiment has to do with classical conditioning. This is also called Pavlovian Conditioning. It is the learning through associating a stimulus that occurs naturally to an environmental stimulus. Before we start talking about the experiment, there are some terms you […]
Different Experiments in Psychology: Stanford Prison Experiment
Our next experiment in psychology is going to be the Stanford Prison experiment. This is another one of the most famous experiments in psychology. Are humans naturally predisposed to evil behavior because of their personality or is it situational? This is what Zimbardo wanted to figure out. He built a prison in the basement of […]
Different Experiments in Psychology: Solomon Asch’s Conformity
Do you ever just sit and wonder what other people are thinking or why people do what they do? These questions are two of the main reasons that I am interested in psychology. It’s just so interesting to learn about and the experiments are the best part to me, personally. Today’s experiment is going to […]
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