Bog #6: The Ethics of Care vs. the Ethics of Competition

Implementing only the ethics of careĀ or only the ethics of competition is a poor way to breed success. A combination of the two will encourage the greatest growth in overall potential and achievement.

The main objective of the ethics of care is an increase in positive social relationships and equality. By applying this method of motivation, people are more likely to form lateral social bonds, which tend to be more personal than hierarchical relationships. With better personal relationships, people are more likely to cooperate and work well in teams. In addition, with the ethics of care, no individual or minority group will be left behind as the people around them advance in the world. People would be encouraged to help one another so that everyone could succeed equally. However, implementing the ethics of care is not without its drawbacks. Because no individual should be left behind, some that may be able to successfully move on should hold back their potential in order to assist those that need help. Furthermore, with lateral bonds rather than a hierarchy, there is a much greater chance that there would be less structure at a time during which order may be necessary.

On the other hand, the ethics of competition is almost the complete opposite. Competition can bring out the best in people by motivating them to reach for their maximum potential and beyond. While some individuals may not be able to keep up with others, the idea is to have everyone strive for the best that they can achieve. The risk involved with the ethics of competition is thatĀ some may become discouraged and simply give up after comparing themselves to others. They may feel that those above them in a hierarchy allow them no chance to reach success. Additionally, while a hierarchy created through competition may provide necessary structure at times, it can also hinder collaboration and relationships during others.

In order to allow for the greatest individual achievements as well as the best relationships, a balance between the ethics of care and of competition is essential. Competition will help people strive for their greatest potential while care will breed cooperation and teamwork; a which will undoubtedly lead the world to much success.

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