Author Archives: Matthew R Brenfleck

Blog #10 Self-Parking Cars Revisited

Self Park Tech

Many consider parallel parking to be one of the most difficult tasks to do while driving a car. However, thanks to new technology, cars are becoming smart enough that they can park themselves. By using a variety of sensors, these self-parking cars first search for a suitable parallel parking space (2,3). Then, while the driver still continues to regulate the speed of the car by pressing and releasing the brake, the computer system on the car automatically controls the steering wheel until it says the park job is complete (1,2).

A variety of car companies are attempting to implement the idea of a self parking car. Although they all have the same ultimate goal, they all have slight differences in design. First of all, each self parking system could have different ways of sensing objects around the car. Some use cameras and computer screens on the dashboard, others use transmitters and receivers on the bumpers, and others could use radar to detect objects (1). Newer design plans hope to implement many of these features in one car including radar units, ultrasonic sensors, and a camera (3). Another difference in design is the way that the car finds a targeted parking spot. Depending on the brand of the car, it may require targeting a spot via a back up camera and touchscreen, hitting an “OK” button to confirm a selection, or it may be automatic when the system is turned on (2). In addition to multiple sensing devices, newer designs also vary in the fact that they plan to be completely autonomous, automatically switching gears, accelerating, braking, and steering (3).

Despite the obvious benefits of a self parking system, there are a few drawbacks. Some designs will get you into the general parking spot but will not completely finish the job. It may get you to where you are roughly supposed to be, but then you must straighten the wheels and finish own your own (2). Secondly, sometimes people receive conflicting signals when they use a system. For example, it may tell you to keep backing up while loudly beeping that you are too close to the car behind you (2). Lastly, many people enjoy driving a car and may not wish to give up control of their vehicle to a computer (1). Automated parking systems are designed to help people parallel park, but they should not be expected to use the same level of detail that an experienced driver would have (2).


Even more advanced than a self parking car would be the possibility of a self driving car. Although some people may be reluctant to give up their control of the wheel to a computer, there are a number of advantages to using a car that can drive itself. According to Jim Dalrymple II  (4), one of the largest shifts that would result from self-driving cars is that taxis would replace widespread car ownership. This idea is based on the fact that the main expense of a taxi is the driver’s wage. Without a driver, taxis could become cheap and ultimately more cost effective than owning a car. In addition, the self- driving taxis would run almost all of the time, unlike an owned car that just sits in a parking space for a large portion of time. If this were the case, the number of parking lots could be greatly reduced, opening more space for other uses such as green expansion (parks, fields, etc.) or housing. Lastly, if the entire transportation system could become “hyper-optimized”,  where all the vehicles on the road interact efficiently, the streets would become safer and less congested.

Opponents of the self-driving car usually either fit into one or two categories. The first is if they do not want to relinquish their control of the wheel. The second is a group that believes that there are still better alternatives economically and environmentally to the self-driving cars (4). This second group proposes potential problems that self-driving cars would cause and then offers an alternate solution. For example, some people do not agree with the taxi idea listed above and believe that self-driving cars would increase the demand for vehicles and eventually cause more congestion. They think that public transportation expansion would maximize space efficiency as well as reduce emissions, and is therefore the best option. The following clip clearly shows the space efficiency of public transport:

Although the self-driving car may seem like an excellent idea in principle, I believe that due to the challengers of the design, it will be decades until the self-parking car has a chance to be implemented in the world.



Blog #9: Battery Improvements

As technology advances, the power output and lifespan of batteries will be expected to advance as well in order to accommodate. Almost every standard lithium ion battery that is currently in existence and use consists of a graphite electrode. While graphite is relatively cheap and durable, silicon, which is now being explored for use in batteries, would offer a much greater power capacity. While it takes six graphite (carbon) atoms to bind to a single lithium ion, a single silicon atom can bind to four lithium ions. Current batteries can be recharged over 500 times and still retain 80 percent of their original capacity; but with the next-generation of silicon batteries, they are expected to last from 700 to 1,000 cycles. From a power output perspective, prototypes of the silicon batteries can store up to 750 watt-hours per liter, a noticeable increase from the 400 to 620 watt-hours per liter for conventional batteries.

Despite the obvious improvements from the graphite battery to the silicon one, there are some significant drawbacks to using this new type of battery. The largest concern for silicon batteries is that the silicon anodes often suffer from structural failure. Because silicon absorbs so many ions, it physically expands to four times its original size. As the batteries are used and recharged, they tend to swell and shrink, causing the battery to fall apart. This obstacle was overcome by making silicon nanowires that do not fall apart. However, this new material brought a challenge of its own. The nanowires proved difficult to bring to market because the new material required custom manufacturing equipment, making it very difficult to produce.

A variety of designs of the silicon-based battery are being explored and experimented with in order to minimize their shortcomings and bring them to the market. One possible solution is to implement the use of nanoparticles, which have silicon at the core and are surrounded by a layer of carbon. Although these nanoparticles store less energy than silicon nanowires, they do not require custom manufacturing equipment and can be used in existing factories. In addition, they seem to help solve the problems associated with silicon’s volume expansion. Another possibility is the mesoporous silicon sponge, which is basically a piece of silicon that’s riddled with holes. This fabricated silicon electrode only expands by 30% rather than 400%, a huge reduction that greatly improves the physical strength of the silicon battery. As more and more designs are formed which improve the functionality of the silicon battery, the closer this more powerful battery gets to making its mark on the world.



Blog #8: Agricultural Drones

Agricultural drones are definitely going to allow producers to become much more efficient when growing their crops. They fall under the category of precision agriculture, which is the process of using high-tech systems to help farmers increase yields and cut costs. These drones provide images that highlight differences between the plants that are healthy and those that are not in a way that would not be able to be seen with the naked eye. Soil variations, pest and fungal infestations, and irrigation problems can all be tracked by these drones in order to increase crop production efficiency. Data collected by these drones can help reduce water and chemical usage, as well as help farmers decide which areas to harvest first by revealing high nutrient levels. These drones are relatively easy to use as they are equipped with autopilot with software that plans the flight path and are being developed with a fail-safe mechanism that automatically returns the drone to its takeoff position at the touch of a button.

As with all designs, there are alternatives to using drones in order to accomplish the same task. Satellite imagery, using traditional piloted aircraft, or simply walking the fields are all ways of collecting data in order to produce crop yields. However, each of these alternatives are at a disadvantage in some way when compared to drones. When compared to using satellites or piloted aircraft, using drones is much cheaper and can provide images of much higher resolution. While a drone may cost about $1000 each, hiring a manned aircraft can cost the same amount to run for only an hour. In addition, drones fly below the clouds, offering clearer pictures than those from a satellite. Lastly, drones obviously have a time advantage over walking the fields. Flying a drone over hundreds of acres would definitely take only a fraction of the time that it would in order to walk the same distance.

Despite the benefits to using a drone to improve agricultural yields, it is not without its drawbacks. The largest issue with using drones is that they have become the subject of political debates and public paranoia. After the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, drones became largely associated with military strikes and surveillance operations, leading to worries over any sight of a drone, even if it was only being used for agricultural purposes. The Federal Aviation Administration rules have restricted civilian use of drones in all but a few cases. The FAA has said that a rule making exceptions to small, low flying drones will be introduced shortly, but some people believe that this change will not take effect until 2016. Overcoming fears and laws against drones may be a challenge, but I believe that their positive impact on the world will allow them to eventually be implemented in farms all around the world.










Blog #7: The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Although the Leaning Tower of Pisa’s greatest amazement is the fact that is it is leaning, in reality, the tilt is the result of poor engineering and design planning. However, the original mistakes opened the door for a variety of new design plans.

The construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa has its greatest flaw in the decision of where to build it. The ground that the building resides on is very unstable soil, consisting of clay, fine sand, and shells (1,3). This soft soil as well as an inadequate foundation (which was only 3 meters thick) were too unstable to support such a large structure (1,3). Once the construction of the third level began, the tower began to lean (3). The building has sunk by at least a yard, leans at an angle of 3.97° (5.5° at one point), and is estimated to move at a rate of about 0.05 inches per year (1,2). If the Leaning Tower of Pisa had not been built on such a poor surface, it may not be leaning or as popular as it is today, but the challenges that have been faced involving the structure’s stability would not have existed.

Despite the poor structural integrity of the Tower of Pisa’s lean, it has provided engineers and designers with a curious project. A variety of ideas have been developed in order to correct or preserve the building for a longer period of time than it would on its own considering its yearly movement. First of all, during the building of the tower, the columns and arches of the third story were made taller on the sinking side and the top story was actually constructed on an angle (1). Since its completion, a variety of other suggestion have arisen, some of them actually being attempted. Steel cables and counterweights have tried to correct the tower’s lean, but they have tended to become eyesores and have also at times worsened the angle at which the tower leans (1,2,3). One suggestion was to completely dismantle the building and reconstruct is at a different location (2). However, this idea was strongly opposed in order to preserve the original building as a famous tourist attraction. Although many of these design corrections may have been expected to be a success, all of them either were turned down or failed if they were attempted.

Ultimately, the best solution that has preserved the structure of the Leaning Tower of Pisa as well as its appealing aesthetics was soil extraction (1,2,3). By removing parts of the ground underneath the building on one side, gravity was able to fix the problem on its own (1). While enough soil was removed to stabilize the building, enough was also left to preserve its famous lean (1). Thanks to a variety of design ideas, an ultimate solution was discovered in order to ensure the safety of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and to retain the building’s famous original flaw.



Bog #6: The Ethics of Care vs. the Ethics of Competition

Implementing only the ethics of care or only the ethics of competition is a poor way to breed success. A combination of the two will encourage the greatest growth in overall potential and achievement.

The main objective of the ethics of care is an increase in positive social relationships and equality. By applying this method of motivation, people are more likely to form lateral social bonds, which tend to be more personal than hierarchical relationships. With better personal relationships, people are more likely to cooperate and work well in teams. In addition, with the ethics of care, no individual or minority group will be left behind as the people around them advance in the world. People would be encouraged to help one another so that everyone could succeed equally. However, implementing the ethics of care is not without its drawbacks. Because no individual should be left behind, some that may be able to successfully move on should hold back their potential in order to assist those that need help. Furthermore, with lateral bonds rather than a hierarchy, there is a much greater chance that there would be less structure at a time during which order may be necessary.

On the other hand, the ethics of competition is almost the complete opposite. Competition can bring out the best in people by motivating them to reach for their maximum potential and beyond. While some individuals may not be able to keep up with others, the idea is to have everyone strive for the best that they can achieve. The risk involved with the ethics of competition is that some may become discouraged and simply give up after comparing themselves to others. They may feel that those above them in a hierarchy allow them no chance to reach success. Additionally, while a hierarchy created through competition may provide necessary structure at times, it can also hinder collaboration and relationships during others.

In order to allow for the greatest individual achievements as well as the best relationships, a balance between the ethics of care and of competition is essential. Competition will help people strive for their greatest potential while care will breed cooperation and teamwork; a which will undoubtedly lead the world to much success.

Blog #5: Insoles

PRO-LINE Court Insole

Many people suffer from foot discomfort while playing a sport, taking part in another physical activity, or from simply walking. With the help of an insole, any pain or soreness could be greatly reduced, if not completely eliminated.

Foot discomfort is usually the result of walking on an arch that is either too high or too low (1,3). Arches that are too high or too low can lead to high impact energy and/or joint misalignment, which are the two main reasons that people get sore (2). Poor arches encourage people to walk improperly, leading to pain because of excess pressure and poorly-distributed weight (1). In addition to uncomfortable feet, damage to your knees can be caused by an improper arch as well (1). By using an insole to improve an arch, many of these uncomfortable symptoms can be corrected.

Once it is determined where the problem in your foot lies, whether the arch is too high or too low, you can find the insole design that targets your specific issue (1,3). While high arches may need some serious cushioning or energy absorption (1,2),  low arches may need some extra support (1,3). Additionally, the type of activity that the user intends to do can have an impact on what kind of insole he or she should obtain. For simply walking, a cheaper gel or foam insole for comfort may do the trick. On the other hand, a harder material for structural support and stability may be a better option for someone interested in playing an intense sport (3). By knowing which insole design would be best suit your own foot, you can find an appropriate model and expect to see the greatest improvements.

Additional variances and improvements in designs can also influence the preference for an insole. For instance, some designs  feature and anti-microbial finishing that prevents odor from building up in you shoe (1). Others combine an air cushioning system and moisture control technology to keep your feet cool and dry all day long (1). In a more advanced insole, impact energy is transformed into heat before it reaches the body through nano technology, reducing a large amount of stress and soreness. This heat is no hotter than body temperate, so feeling it would not be an issue (2). Lastly, as a very specific example, some insoles can provide insulation or battery powered heat for those who participate in snow sports and may get cold feet (3). While improvement in any design is always a possibility, the vast number of options for insoles makes it very ease for anyone to find a suitable match for their foot.





Blog #4: Alternative Car Power

Driving a car each day is a necessity for many people in the United States. Although the gasoline powered engine has had over a century to become what it is today, alternative energy powered vehicles are being explored to improve some of its drawbacks (1). Two of the more well known alternative energy sources are natural gas (2) and electricity (3). Despite the fact that gasoline engines are capable of driving the longest distance non-stop (1), they are large contributors to air pollution and the petroleum that gasoline requires comes from places deemed “unstable”, such as countries that may be hostile to us (1). It is for these reasons that alternative energies are being experimented with in order to power vehicles.

Using electricity or natural gas as an alternative energy source definitely has its advantages. First of all, both engines that would use these types of energy have lower greenhouse gas emissions than the standard gasoline engine (2,3). Not only do they help the environment, but alternative energy options can help the individual financially as well.  Natural gas and electricity are both cheaper than gasoline (2,3), natural gas engines do not need oil changes as frequently (2), and electric engines do not require them at all (3). Specific advantages to natural gas engines include that the gas dissipates in an accident, meaning that there is no flammable liquid fuel that could make the scenario even more dangerous; and that eighty to ninety percent of natural gas comes from domestic sources, so our nation would not have to rely as heavily on others for fuel (2). In the case of electric vehicles, they are very quick, quiet, and smooth, making some regular cars seem to be outdated (3). In addition, charging an electric car can be done at home, all the owner has to do is plug it in (3)!

Although engines that run on natural gas or electricity do seem to be more advantageous than gasoline powered engines, they are not without drawbacks. Both types of alternative energy cars have limited options in the models available, are generally more expensive when purchasing the vehicle itself, and, as discussed before, have a more limited driving range than cars that run on gasoline (1,2,3). Natural gas cars have limited fueling stations, and the gas itself is still a nonrenewable fossil fuel (2). Electric cars have a very long charging time, so if you forget to plug in your car at night, you could be out of luck the next morning (3).

Despite these trade-offs for using alternative energy powered cars, the environmental effects of gasoline engines and the fact that gasoline is nonrenewable are strong enough driving forces for the necessity of alternative energy options. Fortunately, additional possibilities such as compressed air, vegetable oil, hydrogen fuel cells, ethanol, water, and biomass are all being looked into as future energies sources (4). It is only a matter of time until the best substitute for gasoline is discovered and implemented into our daily lives.



Blog #3: Prosthetics

Prosthetic Arm


The human body is capable of doing extraordinary things. Our limbs can perform complex tasks such as drawing a picture or playing an instrument as well as endure the power of an impact or the exhaustion of a long run (1). However, there are people who are unfortunate and are missing limbs due to traumatic injuries, diseases, or birth defects (2). With the help of a prosthetic limb, some of the capabilities of a lost limb could be restored. Designs of prosthetics can vary in a multitude of ways including how they are attached to the body, the way they are controlled, as well as the purpose that they serve.

The process of attaching an artificial limb to the body usually begins with where the amputation has occurred. Different prosthetics are required depending on whether a major joint, such as an elbow or knee, needed to be removed (1,2). After it is determined whether or not the person needs a prosthetic with a joint or not, the artificial limb could be attached with a harness or strap system, an airtight suction seal, or shape changing structures (1,3). The type of attachment usually depends on the location and severity of an amputation.

Prosthetic Leg

Controlling an artificial limb is usually done in one of three ways. First, a prosthetic could be controlled by connecting it to somewhere else on the body using cables (1). Second, it could be powered by a motor that can be controlled by toggling a variety of switches or buttons (1). However, a more advanced and preferred way of control is known as myoelectric (1,2). Through this method, the prosthetic limb, in order to move,  listens to small electric signals that occur in the remaining muscle that a patient can still contract around an amputation.

Lastly, artificial limb designs can vary in the purpose that they serve. Some are obviously designed with physical function such as walking as the main goal (1). Others are designed with sensors to help measure and feel forces, vibrations, contact, and temperature (3). On the other hand, some designs are focused more on appearance. Known as cosmesis, this aspect of artificial limbs can be detailed to the extent of including freckles, hair, and fingerprints (1,2,3). The ultimate goal of cosmesis is a design that will fully resemble a natural limb (3).

Despite the fact that prosthetic limbs have improved the lives of thousands, they do still have their drawbacks and flaws. While they can restore some function, they can be difficult to learn how to use and are not advanced to the point where they can rival a biological limb (1). In addition, the cost of an artificial limb tends to be very high, ranging up to tens of thousands of dollars (1). However, with advancing technology, new materials, and more research, it is not out of the realm of possibility for prosthetics to become dramatically more similar to the real body.



Blog #2: Self Parking Cars

Self Park Tech

Many consider parallel parking to be one of the most difficult tasks to do while driving a car. However, thanks to new technology, cars are becoming smart enough that they can park themselves. By using a variety of sensors, these self-parking cars first search for a suitable parallel parking space (2,3). Then, while the driver still continues to regulate the speed of the car by pressing and releasing the brake, the computer system on the car automatically controls the steering wheel until it says the park job is complete (1,2).

A variety of car companies are attempting to implement the idea of a self parking car. Although they all have the same ultimate goal, they all have slight differences in design. First of all, each self parking system could have different ways of sensing objects around the car. Some use cameras and computer screens on the dashboard, others use transmitters and receivers on the bumpers, and others could use radar to detect objects (1). Newer design plans hope to implement many of these features in one car including radar units, ultrasonic sensors, and a camera (3). Another difference in design is the way that the car finds a targeted parking spot. Depending on the brand of the car, it may require targeting a spot via a back up camera and touchscreen, hitting an “OK” button to confirm a selection, or it may be automatic when the system is turned on (2). In addition to multiple sensing devices, newer designs also vary in the fact that they plan to be completely autonomous, automatically switching gears, accelerating, braking, and steering (3).

Despite the obvious benefits of a self parking system, there are a few drawbacks. Some designs will get you into the general parking spot but will not completely finish the job. It may get you to where you are roughly supposed to be, but then you must straighten the wheels and finish own your own (2). Secondly, sometimes people receive conflicting signals when they use a system. For example, it may tell you to keep backing up while loudly beeping that you are too close to the car behind you (2). Lastly, many people enjoy driving a car and may not wish to give up control of their vehicle to a computer (1). Automated parking systems are designed to help people parallel park, but they should not be expected to use the same level of detail that an experienced driver would have (2).




Blog #1: Laptops vs. Tablets


Deciding which is better, a laptop or a tablet, is often a popular topic of discussion. However, the answer to this question is often based on the individual’s opinion. Although laptops and tablets perform similar tasks, slight variations in the designs of each device can be the determining factors in a person’s preference and ultimate preference to use one or the other.

Factors including screen size, power, storage, and hardware all favor laptops. Compared to the design of a tablet, most laptops will have a larger screen, being 13 inches or larger (3). Intense computer games and research often require faster processes and/or more detailed graphics, which can be provided by a laptop, but usually not a tablet (1,2). Additionally, while tablets can only provide 16-128 GB of storage space, a laptop can offer 500 GB or more (2). Lastly, the physical hardware of a laptop including a keyboard, mouse-pad, and greater durability make it a better option for some people (2,3).

On the other hand, tablets have the advantage in factors including cost, simplicity, and mobility. Overall, the cost of a tablet is generally cheaper than that of a laptop. Not only is the actual device cheaper than a laptop, but apps which are suitable for tablets are usually much cheaper than certain computer software (1,2). Because of its touch screen, many people prefer a tablet over a laptop. Generally speaking, touch screens are more interactive and are very simplistic, requiring only a tap, making tablets very user friendly (2,3). Lastly, while a laptop’s superior physical hardware may be an advantage when using it, it is also much heavier and bulkier than a tablet. The slender and light weight tablet proves to be a more mobile device (1,2,3).

For those that are still unable to decide which device is best for them, a new design has recently been released, the hybrid. Hybrids can either be small laptops with detachable screens that become tablets or convertible designs in which the screen either folds or slides back, giving the look and feel of a tablet (3,4). With a hybrid, one can use the device in the manner that he or she wishes since it offers the “laptop functionality when you need to get things done, and tablet-style form factors when you want to kick back and relax with a touchscreen” (5).

