Welcome back to the final installation of “A Blog of Ice and Fire!” Today I want to summarize all of the things that I have talked about over the past weeks and make my final case for why you should pick up these books. Obviously I won’t be able to examine every single aspect of the series, so if you’re wondering about something that I haven’t/ didn’t mention, feel free to ask questions! So here are my top reasons why you should read A Song of Ice and Fire:
- World Building
As I’ve shown in the past, George R.R. Martin created a vast and complex world to set his story in. Personally, I love this because it gives me another reason to be invested in the books: in addition to wanting to know more about the characters and the plot, I also want to know more about the setting. To me, a new, vast world enhances my reading experience, so if you’re like me in that regard, then this series is perfect.
- The politics, drama, and action
Or, in other words, the plot. However, I feel like just calling the storylines in the series “the plot” implies that the story follows a cookie cutter kind of way of developing (like rising action, climax, falling action, denouement). Instead, stories just develop, and they don’t follow any set way of developing. Furthermore, I think a plot implies that there’s an ultimate goal for characters to achieve. I’m not sure that’s the case here. Some characters have clear goals that they’re trying to attain. Others just live their lives, and events unfold around them, which I find to be equally interesting. So if you want a story that will draw you in (but maybe doesn’t have a definitive end point), then pick up these books.
- The parallels to real life
I’ve spent a lot of time talking about the ambiguity and the violence and the religions and other stuff contained within the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. One thing that’s clear is that all of these aspects mirror what real life is like. So even though it’s a fantasy series, it’s still pretty easy to suspend your disbelief and immerse yourself within the world. Furthermore, this allows for the books to make legitimate commentary about the world around us. It can make you stop and think, which I always feel is a characteristic indicative of quality literature.
- Dragons!
Need I say more?
- The writing
Obviously, a book is only as good as it’s author. And I will concede that there are times where the writing slows down and drags on for a bit. Nevertheless, the writing in this series is outstanding. When you combine well thought out plots, fascinating characters and their developments, and insightful details, you have not only an entertaining and engaging book, but also a quality one. Martin’s writing only enhances the premise of the series.
Of course, to show that I am an objective critic, I will highlight a drawback to reading the books: the series isn’t finished! Martin is currently working on the 6th book, but there’s also plans for a 7th book that hasn’t been started. So in all seriousness, if you need to read something with some sort of resolution, these books may not be for you, especially if you’re impatient (like myself). Nonetheless, I’d like to thank you all for reading this blog post and my past posts. I hope they provided some insight, and I hope they inspire you to pick up these books. Thank you!
Hi Matt! It’s been interesting reading all of your different blog posts about this book series. The most memorable aspects of the series I gathered from your posts was just the amount of parallels it seems to have with past world issues as well as some present ones as well. It definitely seems complex enough to mirror the real world, with the added fantasy elements adding another caveat. Personally, when I try to read or enjoy my leisurely time, I would prefer not to think about everything problematic about our world, but if I ever wanted to challenge myself or think more deeply about issues, this series would be worth picking up. I am also sort of impatient, I do like a resolution to tie everything together. However, I would definitely consider reading this series. Finally, good job on all of your hard work covering this series, it has been a pleasure to read!
Hi Matt,
I love the world building aspect of books, it never seize to amaze me how a writer can create their own new world and drop the reader inside of it allowing them to explore it for themselves. Thank you for all the information about this series that you have provided us with, whilst somehow managing to not spoil the plot. I am also quite impatient however I think it is exciting that the books are not stopping here and that their are many plans for the future. Until next time!
Hi Matt,
Your posts have been incredibly interesting over the past weeks. I like the things you chose to analyze; it’s always a cool new topic that is important to the world of the books, no matter how small they may seem to a reader. You’ve done a great job detailing these books for us without spoilers. The world in these books sounds very well-developed and interesting to learn more about. Maybe I will read these books some day! Good job of your posts!