4.3 Design

Part I | Concept. To begin my design, I started practicing with my isometric notebook and started sketching objects. I made two triangles and made it look 3-dimensional. I drew a circle and made it 3-dimensional, but it didn’t come out that well. I drew cubes for practice and to have fun with the isometric notebook.



Part II | Iteration. To iterate my sketches, I used Autodesk 360 to create shapes and objects. Under the solid tab at the top pane, I chose to create a sketch, and drew a half of a sphere. From there I then selected the revolve tool under the surface pane. This allowed to me create a 3-dimensional sphere in half. Next, I chose to create a sketch again and this time I created an object that resembled a chess piece. Like the half sphere, I chose the revolve tool and made it 3-dimensional. For my last two objects, I created a sketch and drew a triangle. From there I extended the triangle and made it 3D. I made two of these. My next step was to combine the shapes into one object. The tool I used in Fusion 360 was under Modify, and scale to change the size of the shapes and move them around the grid. Next I selected all of the bodies, chose the combine function, selected the Join operation, and hit OK. This morphed all of the single body objects into one body. To finalize my object and get them ready for the CNC router, I created a six-by-six box form. I scaled and proportioned my other object to fit inside the six-by-six rectangular box. Next I combined the two objects and under Operation I selected cut to have the object cut into the six-by-six box.




Part III | Final. I saved my Fusion 360 model as an STL file and used a flash drive to transfer it over to the CNC computer. I turned the main system on from the power strip adjacent to the driver computer labeled MAIN. I turned on the fan for the stepper motor controllers. I turned on the router motor before the cutting process and I turned on the dust collection system and air purifier. I used high density poly foam material to carve my mold into. I hit the start button and the machine began to drill into the high-density poly foam. The time it took to complete engraving was about an hour. Once the CNC router was finished, I shut off the machine and removed the poly foam cut out. I was satisfied with the end result of the mold. I took photographs of the design and that was it. My mold art was complete.





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