In my last post I explored how this global pandemic has had negative impacts on learning and education in America, so this week I decided to look into the opposite idea. Today, I want to look into some of the positive effects.
Students and educators alike have adjusted to learning remotely, which has greatly improved typing skills, computer awareness, and even small things such as email etiquette. Although students that are younger have faced more challenges navigating their education online, they have overcome these obstacles and learned new skills that will be very important as they grow older.
Elementary, middle, and high schoolers alike have become more tech-savvy than ever before. Students now know how to manage their workloads to work more independently with less direction, which prepares them for college and future jobs. Things like sick days and weather situations are less challenging now because students are able to access their work from home or another location. It is easier to get caught up on missed work since nearly everything is available online for students to access anywhere.
According to this article, not only are students and teachers becoming more aware of how to help each other and stay on top of work, they are all learning how to shift priorities a bit to make a better environment to learn in. With the pandemic, many families faced new hardships that they were unprepared for. In this newly technological world, people are beginning to emphasize the importance of students’ mental health and wellb
eing, as well as that of educators alike. Conversations are easier, resources are more readily accessible, and communication between students and teachers and parents is offered through more options than ever before.
Resources such as Zoom and
Google Classroom are being used now as part of daily life for students, and in some ways being implemented into adult jobs. Overall, people are much more understanding and respectful of others now that we are aware of how hard this pandemic has hit some families.
Although there are so many negatives about COVID-19, taking the time to look at the positives is extremely important. Building better relationships inside and outside the classroom thanks to new online resources will help prepare young students for their futures, and will allow educators to help on a more personal level when needed. I know that for me personally, just having the ability to Zoom into high school classes on days I was sick helped me feel a little less behind and more on top of my workload, which helped me feel better in other aspects of my life as well.