Project Team


Dylan Treaster
Applied Materials Engineering
Penn State Dubois

Faculty Mentors

Neyda Abreu
Penn State Dubois

Kat Crispin
University Park
Materials Research


Project Video

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Project Abstract

Carbonaceous chondrites, a type of stony meteorite, originated in the early solar system and can be collected for research as finds or falls on earth. Analyzing the material and mineral compositions of these chondrites provides valuable information about the beginning geological processes that occurred very early in our solar system. This study will focus on CM chondrites for two reasons. First, the water in our planet might have been delivered by the same type of asteroid where this group of meteorites formed. Second, two sample-return missions (JAXA’s Hayabusa2 and NASA’s OSIRIS-REx) will soon bring samples back from such asteroids. My work will provide a better understanding of the earliest planet-formation processes. The data set includes calibrated compositional measurements of oxides contained in several of the least altered CM chondrites collected using an electron microprobe analyzer. I report the composition of different minerals and any element correlations, which will give insight on the origin and alteration process recorded by these samples.

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