Project Team


Tyler Barry
Civil Engineering
Penn State Greater Allegheny, Penn State University Park

Lukas Seibel
Mechanical Engineering
Penn State Greater Allegheny, Penn State University Park

Faculty Mentors

Alandra Kahl
Penn State Greater Allegheny
Environmental Engineering

Nathaniel Warner
Penn State University Park
Civil and Environmental Engineering


Project Video

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Project Abstract

Now more than ever, it has become important to monitor water sources to ensure their safety for use and consumption. With an ever-growing population and ever-expanding industries, water resources have become much more important than ever before. Monitoring smaller waterways can be difficult due to the expensive nature of most sensors. We have created a device that uses a more affordable Arduino board and software system, as well as 3D printed housing to minimize costs while still collecting accurate data. The software monitors temperature, turbidity, and conductivity. Temperature and conductivity are used to help determine the salinity of the water. Turbidity is a way of measuring the overall clarity of the water. With these, we can gather an overall understanding of the water quality, and the affordability will allow for a wide deployment of these devices. In the future, citizen scientists can contribute data from their local waterways through using these sensors.

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