Project Team


Abraham George
Mechanical Engineering
Penn State DuBois, Penn State University Park

Faculty Mentors

Neyda Abreu
Penn State DuBois
Mathematics Division

Katherine Crispin
Penn State University Park
Materials Research Institute


Project Video

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Project Abstract

Chondrites are a class of meteorites characterized by chondrules, which are small, roughly spherical, silicate rich inclusions. Chondrules are surrounded by matrix, a small grain material that cements the chondrules together. Chondrite meteorites are over 4.5 billion years old, and their compositions can tell us much about the conditions in the early solar system. Currently, highly precise microscope spectrometers allow for the gathering of vast amounts of data about the compositions and structure of chondrites, mainly in the form of cross-sectional maps. Although these techniques can produce large useful data sets, the ability to analyze the data, especially in a quantitative way, is falling behind. This paper focuses on the development of computational tools, using the programing language Python, to help with the analysis of chondrite cross sections. Using these tools, future researchers will hopefully be able to speed up their analysis and gain more insight from the data they have.

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