Project Team


Kara Bailen
Electromechanical Engineering Technology
Penn State Altoona

Faculty Mentors

Sohail Anwar
Penn State Altoona

Seth Blumsack
Penn State University Park
Energy and Mineral Engineering


Project Video

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Project Abstract

Incorporating more environmentally friendly ways of powering homes, businesses, and other structures will decrease carbon emissions and increase the lifespan of the planet. Renewable energy is crucial to the state of our world as it eliminates the need for sources like oil and natural gas which cause great harm to the environment. With increased carbon emissions, the decline of the atmosphere, and limits on certain resources, renewable resources have never been more important. Currently, there is a struggle to implement plans to build a green future as so many other functions are already in place. Furthermore, there is great concern over the initial costs of such implementations. By searching for solutions by geographical location, potential plans can be drafted and implemented. It is found that these new methods will not only provide drastic improvements to the environment but also decrease the monthly costs of running a home. The impact this could make would clear up the atmosphere, improve the health of the population, and be much easier to obtain as these systems are renewable.

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