Project Team
Vitesh Sharma
Computer Science
Penn State Erie
Faculty Mentors
Omar Ashour
Penn State Erie
Industrial Engineering
Bradley J. Sottile
Penn State University Park
Computer Science and Engineering
Project Video
Project Abstract
This project aims to create a nonlinear interactive story to improve student learning and engagement of probability and statistics concepts through the use of complex nonlinear stories and three-dimensional simulation models. Fundamental IE courses require a large part of conceptualization and understanding of various system concepts. These concepts require interacting with systems to collect data, make assumptions, come up with solutions, and evaluate these solutions. Therefore, it can be difficult for students to deeply understand these integral concepts and have the ability to apply them using traditional learning activities such as homework assignments. As a result, students can become discouraged and unmotivated in their interest in their IE curriculum. Thus, to eliminate this problem a nonlinear, interactive story game combined with 3D simulation models to immerse the students and contextualize the problems. It is hypothesized that the game will increase students’ interest and motivation to learn the concepts.
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