Project Team


Isaiah Lewis
Electrical Engineering
Penn State Harrisburg

Joshua Edwards
Electrical Engineering
Penn State Harrisburg

Faculty Mentors

Seth Wolpert
Penn State Harrisburg
Department of Electrical Engineering

Sven Bilen
Penn State University Park
School of Engineering Design and Innovation, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Aerospace Engineering, Law, Policy, and Engineering


Project Video

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Project Abstract

Pulsed Electro-magnetic Field (PEMF) generators are intended to mimic the magnetic fields that originate from the earth. Magnetic fields similar to the strength of the earth’s magnetic fields pulsed at frequencies of up to 100Hz have been found to have positive effects on peoples’ health and sense of wellbeing. The purpose of this research project is to build a safe, compact, low-cost, and user-friendly PEMF device that operates at user-selectable frequencies of up to 100Hz and magnetic field strengths of up to 100 micro Telsas. The device was built using thumbwheel switches to select the frequency, a microcontroller for synthesizing the output wave, and an audio amplifier sending out currents of up to 2 amps through a series of six coils embedded in a mat upon which the user lays. Test results showed good operation over the entire frequency range and magnetic field strengths in the coils of up to .8 micro Telsas. Voltages and operating temperatures around the mat where the coils are embedded were found to be well within safe levels.

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