Project Team


Samuel Yount
Applied Materials

Faculty Mentors

Ramakrishnan Rajagopalan
University Park
Department of Engineering


Project Video

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Project Abstract

Cold sintering integrates warm compaction and surface modification of steel powders to enhance green strength of compacted parts. Surface-modified FLC-4608 compacts undergo cold sintering, resulting in the formation of a phosphate interphase between particles, which improves both green strength and density. Microstructural analysis reveals the precise chemical distribution of phosphate on the particles. The process demonstrates notable improvements in densification compared to conventional P/M methods under similar pressures. The strength of the compacts was sensitive to the weight percentages of phosphoric acid used during deposition. The strengthened compacts can be sinter hardened. This innovative approach opens promising new pathways for applying cold sintered assisted warm compaction in powdered metal technologies for green machining.

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