Social Currency on TikTok- Thursday Thought

Thursday Thought

If you click on the link above you will be directed to a video on TikTok regarding Nicholas Cruz, who was school shooter in Florida. The TikTok talks about the last part of the sentencing trail and wether he will receive life in prison or death by lethal injection. I feel as if this TikTok perfectly represents the term that we learned, social currency. Social currency is anything that we see or learn about on social media that we can use in an interpersonal conversation. I thought that this was a prime example.

I am certain that this is a perfect example of social currency, because earlier in the week my girlfriend and I were talking about how we have seen this on the news and how crazy everything is. This type of TikTok can spark lots of different conversations, and even questions that it might raise to people. One thing that this question raised to me was about gun control in the US, and if someone of this age should be able to own and have a gun of this caliber. Also, being a student who was once in high school and now in college, it raises the question that maybe there needs to be more security in schools throughout the entire US. There are so many different things a person who watches this video can take away from it and bring this into conversation. It is all about gaining the knowledge from this news clip and taking it into an everyday conversation with someone you know or ultimately anyone.

Ultimately, I learned that even after just watching TikTok’s or being on social media, there is so much social currency out there that can be useful. We can gain so much knowledge from it and it is a very useful thing.

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