Learning Center, Library, Community Service

All separate blog posts turned into one

As a Penn State student I took my first trip to the learning center the other day. I have been waiting for my appointment for so long and I was so glad to finally be able to go. At my appointment I meet with a really nice student from Penn State and he was very helpful. We reviewed my previous English essay and he gave me pointers on things that I might need to work on. He also helped me critique my thesis statements for future essays and I think it really helped me a lot. One other thing that we went over was my next English assignment that is coming up. He helped me with brainstorming ideas for any essay in the future and helped brainstorming for this one. He also helped with structuring my essays and how to really fulfill my thesis statement.

Overall it was a really good experience and I know that I will definitely go back to the learning center in the future because they re very helpful and nice people.


On Saturday July 23, I took a trip to the Union Cemetery in Bellefonte. The day started by me waking up at 7:30am to go get breakfast at the dining hall before Professor Nichols was picking up a group of us at 8:20am. So, at around 8:30 Professor Nichols arrived to pick us up a big SUV and we packed about 7 people into the car and headed to the cemetery. On our way to the cemetery we got to drive through the middle of Bellefonte and we drove past Talleyrand park which was extremely pretty. I sat in the front seat and I got a little history lesson from Professor Nichols about the town and Bellefonte and it was extremely interesting, considering that Bellefonte was one of the first towns in the history of Pennsylvania.

After we arrived to the cemetery, I instantly got to work and started with a weed wacker. I was firmilar with the weed wacker, because I have used one many times before helping my Dad with the lawn. I weed wacked all around different headstones and made sure that I made the high grassed areas look much nicer. I got a lot of work done using the weed wacker, but unfortunately I wore my nice shoes and they got a little dirty.

After I was done with the weed wacker I moved on to shifting headstones with my classmate Ryan McLaughlin. Some of these headstones were hard to shift because they were heavy, but when we both worked together it was much easier. When we finished up doing this, we finally got to sit down and take a break. We ate delicious Italian hoagies and then we had dominos pizza and garlic bread. After all that food, Professor Nichols gave us really yummy oatmeal raisin cookies. Overall, it was an extremely successful day and I felt as if I put a lot of work in to make the cemetery look better. I look forward to doing more community service in my future here at Penn State.


Well here goes another blog post about the Library.

On Thursday instead of going to our regular classroom in the Willard building, we went to the Library for a mini tour. We met on the stairs outside on the back of the library and we took an awesome picture, along with a video of our class doing the “WE ARE, PENN STATE,” chant. That part was really fun. We proceeded to go inside as we were accompanied by one of the librarians who is a part of the communications and business section for the library.

We got in the elevators and made our way up to one of the upper floors and we went into a computer lab room. We got a presentation on how to use the Penn State library website and how it can help us to do research by accessing databases. She also showed us how to use our resources in the library for when we will need to check out a book, magazine, or anything. One feature on the website was that there was a little pop up on the screen and you can chat with a librarian if you are to ever need help with anything. She explained that everyone in there is very good at their jobs, and that they love to help out the students.

After she talked for a bit, we each logged onto computers and actually got to do some of this stuff she was showing us, on our own. I went into a database and found articles that were very good, and that I am going to be using for my mini case study. I learned how to navigate the website on my own, and I learned how to navigate through different databases.

All in all, it was a very successful and helpful time that I had in the library. I felt as if I learned a lot of helpful things that I can definitely incorporate in my next 4 years at Penn State.

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