Research Question

Research Question: For Penn State students, controlling for streaming service usage, what is the relationship between binge watching and sleep quality.

Sample: For this, I will be studying college student at Penn State. This is a pretty direct and solid sample because there are about 98,000 students at Penn State and it is the University that I am studying at right now. Many students have different mobile devices that allow them to watch streaming services, and binge watch shows. I want to study the quality of sleep students get from the affects of that.

Control Variable: We will be controlling how often students use their streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, HBO max, etc) and at what times of the day they use them. Also we will be looking at the amount of time spent on the services and for how long at one time they are watching.

Independent Variable: Our independent variable is how long people binge watch shows for and how many hours at a time they stay on their streaming service. We can track on the mobile device how many hours were spent on the service and also through the screen time.

Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is the quality of sleep the student gets per night and how many hours they sleep. This can be done by doing a sleep study on the students and/or having students track their sleep and what time they go to bed and what time they wake up.


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