FYE: Dorm Life

As part of my first year experience at Penn State, like every other student I had to adjust to living in a dorm with a roommate. All my life I have always had my own room and having your own room is really cool but at times it get lonely. When I am at home I hate sitting in my room, because I would much rather be downstairs hanging out with my family or doing something fun. At college living in a dorm is completely different, because you have someone that lives with you. Having a roommate is really cool, especially if you get a good one. My roommate and I get along very well and I only met him 6 weeks ago. Its really cool at night when everything is settled down and you just have someone to talk to. I like to think that I am a funny person and my roommate and I are always laughing and joking around about stuff. Another part of living in a dorm is that you are all on your own and I need to keep my room nice without the help of my mom. (I miss you mom)

With that being said, taking care of my room has been a bit of a challenge for me because although I hate to admit it, my mom has always been part of why my room is so clean at home. I have had to develop new habits like cleaning my room and making sure all my clothes go into my laundry bag. Also one adjustment being at college and living in a dorm is that I have to do my own laundry which I have never really done before. Also it is extremely weird having to go to a shower carrying all your shower supplies with you while wearing flip flops. I will say that the showers here at Penn State are awesome, but it is definitely something to adjust to.

Overall, I have loved every minute while living in the dorms at Penn State and I am ready for the fall.

In the picture it is messy, but shortly after it was cleaned.

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