Dr. Diaz is looking for highly motivated candidates for admission to the PhD program (Apply by 12/1/2023 for admission Fall 2024). Interested students are encouraged to contact her to discuss their research ideas and training goals.
Abby Cosgrove (alc5907@psu.edu)
I am a fifth year graduate student in Cognitive Psychology and Language Science with a Specialization in Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. I graduated from Penn State University with a double major in Psychology and Spanish. My research interests focus on the underlying mechanisms of age-related differences in semantic memory. More specifically, the extent to which the organization of an individual’s semantic system influences their language communication abilities.
Allison Link (alink@psu.edu)
I am a fifth year graduate student in Cognitive Psychology and Language Science. I graduated from SUNY Stony Brook with a B.A. in Psychology. My dissertation research investigates semantic networks and bilingualism.
Catherine Pham (catherine.pham@psu.edu)
I am a fifth year graduate student in Cognitive Psychology and Language Science. I graduated from the University of Kansas with a B.A. in Linguistics. My dissertation focuses on how speakers modify their speech under adverse conditions.
Kathryn Walters (kbw5646@psu.edu)
I am a first year graduate student in Cognitive Psychology. I graduated from Mississippi State University with my BS in Psychology with minors in linguistics and cognitive science. My research interests involve the interactions between language and the brain.
Jie Yan (jzy5486@psu.edu)
I am a first year PhD student. I studied Linguistics in China and the Netherlands. My research interests explore the aging brain and language decline.