First Post!

Hi, my name is Lukas Miller, but my friends usually call me Meek and this is my blog. I am a sophomore and I am majoring in cybersecurity. A few of my hobbies include playing videogames and lifting weights. I wanted to go into cybersecurity because computers have always interested me and I feel as though it would be a very cool field to work in.

I have been around and using computer systems for basically allĀ of my life and have a lot of experience with not only software, but hardware as well having built many computers in the past.

Cybersecurity Plan: 3 Keys for CISOs

I have taken a class on computer hardware before in high school, I have helped many of my friends build computers, and I built my own computer. I also have experience with coding in python as I have taken both CMPSC 131 and 132.

I am pursing a degree in order to learn about computer systems and just cybersecurity in general in order to find a job that is well paying that I can enjoy doing. I have also read online that many jobs in the field have a great work life balance which is something that I would really enjoy in a career. Overall, I look forward to learning more about computers and their various systems during this course.

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