Hello MEGA members,

We have several announcements:

1. Open Officer positions

2. MEGA Bowling & Halloween Social

3. Conference recruiting

4. STEM Open House Volunteers

5. Diversity Round Table: Facilitated Dialogue

All officer positions are open and we will be holding elections soon.  We are absolutely open to new officer positions if anyone has something in mind that would benefit the MEGA membership.  The time necessary will not exceed an hour a day, with the exception of infrequent busy weekends like the STEM Open House this weekend (where free food is compensation).   To run for an officer position please fill out this form with your intent to run.  We would like to hold an interested officer’s meeting the week of the 21st.
To express interest in attending a conference funded by and recruiting for the college of engineering please sign up here.
MEGA is looking to expand their socials and would like to gauge interest in a bowling social, a halloween social, and any socials the MEGA body would like to see.
Please fill out the form here.

Hello MEGA,


Thanks to all those who plan on supporting the STEM Open House.  For anyone who volunteered through our links, you’ll receive and email from Dr. Reed or myself today or tomorrow with more details.


If you are interested in any of the meals, or better yet, bowling, for the event – see below from Dr. Preston.  Please use the link provided to submit an RSVP.


If you’d like to stop by the College of Engineering Friday events, those times are 9:00-11:30, or 2:00-4:30 in 202 Hammond.  We’ll have some Panera to snack on, and we’ll need a few volunteers to walk candidates to some of their faculty meetings.


Erin Hostetler, M. Ed. |  Director, Student Research and Graduate Equity, College of Engineering | Penn State
112 Hammond Building | University Park, PA  16802  | she/her/hers | (: 814-867-3019  | *: ErinH@psu.edu 



Good afternoon !!

The Graduate School, in collaboration with the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, College of Engineering, Eberly College of Science, College of Agricultural Sciences, College of Information Science and TechnologyCollege of Health and Human Development, and the Huck Institute of the Life Sciences, will host approximately 60 underrepresented potential graduate students during the 2019 STEM Open House(Thursday, October 10th- Sunday, October 13th). 


The Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs (OGEEP) is looking for volunteers (in all disciplines) to help host this year’s visiting scholars. Those interested in volunteering should complete the RSVP survey using the link provided.


Please review the information below which provides details about each event including date, time, location, and suggested attendees. NOTE:  Saturday, October 12, 2019, 11:45 AM -12:45 PM,  The Real Deal: Life in the Penn State Community is for Sloan Scholars and STEM GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY.


Thursday, October 10, 2019, 6:30 PM- 9:30 PM:
Bowling Mixer: Dinner Games & Music at Northland Bowling Alley 
Graduate students including Sloan Scholars, Black Graduate Student Association [BGSA], Multicultural Engineering Graduate Association [MEGA] , Boricua Grads, and Multicultural Leaders.


Friday, October 11, 2019, 11:45 AM- 12:45 PM, Flex Auditorium HUB Robeson Center:
Lunch with Graduate Program Faculty
AM Faculty Hosts, Graduate student escorts and Multicultural Leaders are invited


Friday, October 11, 2019, 4:45 PM- 5:30 PM, Penn Stater, Deans Hall:
Mixer with Graduate Program Faculty
PM Faculty Hosts, Graduate student escorts and Multicultural Leaders are invited


Friday, October 11, 2019, 6:00 PM- 8:30 PM, Penn Stater, Deans Hall:
Dinner with Diversity Officers and Invited Guest
Graduate students including Sloan Scholars, Black Graduate Student Association [BGSA], Multicultural Engineering Graduate Association [MEGA] , Boricua Grads, and Multicultural Leaders. Graduate Faculty- NOT Required but encouraged


Saturday, October 12, 2019, 11:45 AM- 12:45 PM, at the Millennium Science Complex Cafe Commons:
Lunch with Graduate Student Scholars
Mandatory participation for NEW Sloan Scholars. Additional STEM Graduate Students are welcomed.


Saturday, October 12, 2019, 6:00 PM- 8:00 PM, Penn Stater, Deans Hall:
Dinner with Diversity Officers and Invited Guest
Graduate students including Sloan Scholars, Black Graduate Student Association [BGSA], Multicultural Engineering Graduate Association [MEGA] , Boricua Grads, and Multicultural Leaders. Graduate Faculty- NOT Required but encouraged



Graduate students who wish to serve as campus escorts to labs and buildings during the student visits should also complete the survey.   


Questions about any of the events listed? Contact ogee@psu.edu or call 814-863-1663.





Diversity Round Table is planning to have a facilitated dialogue (similar to World in Conversation) hosted by the Diversity Round Table. The date and location have not been set but we would like to start promoting the event.  Please find the flyer attached.
Once the date and location have been finalized everyone will be informed. Thank you in advance!

Best Wishes,
Cody A. Gonzalez
Fourth Year Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering
Bunton Waller Fellow
MEGA Secretary
Pennsylvania State University