Happy Wednesday MEGA members!

We hope that everyone is safe and staying healthy. Please see below for additional resources and opportunities. 

1. Graduate Student Virtual Lunch & Learn: Salary Negotiation Follow Up

3. Join our WhatsApp!

4. Instructions for submitting to the listserv

5. Wednesday’s Fun Fact


1. Graduate Student Virtual Lunch & Learn: Salary Negotiations Follow Up


Penn State’s Financial and Life Skills Center has provided us with a special training on “Salary Negotiation” (see description below). Even if you are not looking to apply for a job anytime soon, negotiation skills are always helpful to have!  Here is a follow up with Allie’s slides (see attached) and a link to the recording: https://psu.zoom.us/rec/share/1892IOns9llJU5Xj6xHifLMwE6rEaaa8gyIY-_YKyk8TwT7Tn_2bUCuRwSAq2T1d


Please feel free to reach out if you have additional questions or ideas for future workshop topics!




Topic: Salary Negotiation

Learning Outcomes

·       Identify effective negotiation techniques

·       Understand the pay gap

·       Research market-based salaries

·       Strategize & practice negotiation techniques

·       Learn how to reach a win-win deal


3. Join our WhatsApp!


MEGA has a WhatsApp! Join the group to stay up to date on MEGA happenings and events.

Join here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GBGef5RtMsxJ764USWfsy5

WhatsApp Group Invite


4. Instructions for submitting to the listserv

Please submit the email with the subject line ‘MEGA Listserv submission’ to Cierra Chandler at cbc5718@psu.edu

Please submit with complete text and any fliers or images that can be directly copied into the email.

Please submit by 5:00 PM Tuesday prior to the MEGA update Wednesday.


5. Wednesday’s Fun Fact 

McDonald’s once made bubblegum-flavored broccoli… It was a confusing experience, to say the least. – Business Insider
Have a great week!
Best Regards,
Cierra Chandler
Doctoral Student, Material Science and Engineering
MEGA WebMaster
Pennsylvania State University