Happy Wednesday MEGA members!

We hope that everyone is safe and staying healthy. Please see below for additional resources and opportunities. 

1. Graduate Student Virtual Lunch & Learn (7/16)

2. Survey on Extracurricular Life at PSU for $50!

3. Join our WhatsApp!

4. Instructions for submitting to the listserv

5. Wednesday’s Fun Fact


1. Graduate Student Virtual Lunch & Learn (7/16)



I am writing to invite you to our next summer Graduate Student Virtual Lunch & Learn on Thursday, July 16 at noon to 1 pm (ET). Penn State’s Financial and Life Skills Center is providing us a special training on “Salary Negotiation” (see description below). Even if you are not looking to apply for a job anytime soon, negotiation skills are always helpful to have! To participate, please RSVP by Wednesday, July 15 at: https://forms.gle/KhLgknLGYfVUSFeY9 and you will be emailed the meeting information.


Graduate Student Virtual Lunch and Learn – Thursday, July 16 at noon to 1:00 pm (ET)

Topic: Salary Negotiation

Learning Outcomes

·       Identify effective negotiation techniques

·       Understand pay gap

·       Research market-based salaries

·       Strategize & practice negotiation techniques

·       Learn how to reach a win-win deal


Please RSVP by Wednesday, July 15 at: https://forms.gle/KhLgknLGYfVUSFeY9  


I hope you will join us for this professional development opportunity!


Kind regards,

Cindy Reed


2. Survey on Extracurricular Life at PSU for $50!



We are a group of recent grads building an app for a better campus life at PSU next semester: we know that because of COVID-19, many things changed. And we’re here to help! We hope our app can help students enjoy their extra-curricular life more even amidst this ongoing crisis, so we’d like to hear from your group to see how exactly we can help.

If you don’t mind, could you please share this survey with your club members so that we can have a better understanding of our users’ needs? We will be raffling two $50 Amazon gift cards for those who complete this 5-minute survey: https://qfreeaccountssjc1.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b4qmRsfMQeHA5Bb

Hope you and your loved ones are doing well. Thank you very much for your help!

The UniHub Team


3. Join our WhatsApp!


MEGA has a WhatsApp! Join the group to stay up to date on MEGA happenings and events.

Join here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GBGef5RtMsxJ764USWfsy5

WhatsApp Group Invite


4. Instructions for submitting to the listserv

Please submit the email with the subject line ‘MEGA Listserv submission’ to Cierra Chandler at cbc5718@psu.edu

Please submit with complete text and any fliers or images that can be directly copied into the email.

Please submit by 5:00 PM Tuesday prior to the MEGA update Wednesday.


5. Wednesday’s Fun Fact 

Fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.  – MedicineNet
Have a great week!
Best Regards,
Cierra Chandler
Doctoral Student, Material Science and Engineering
MEGA WebMaster
Pennsylvania State University