Happy Wednesday MEGA members!

We hope that everyone is safe and staying healthy. Please see below for additional resources and opportunities. 

1. Webinar and Student Forum in Response to George Floyd and Others Murder

2. Instructions for submitting to the listserv

3. Wednesday’s Fun Fact


1. Webinar and Student Forum in Response to George Floyd and Others Murder

The past couple of weeks have truly been challenging. We have come face to face yet again with the effect of systematic racism through police brutality. Though it is saddening for our society to be in this turbulent climate, the support from the global community brings hope that this brutality does not speak for everyone. This conversation needs to continue with everyone at the table. Below is a webinar discussing the effects of police brutality and racism in education. Another student forum will be held on Friday at 5 pm by the Paul Robeson Cultural Center. Please join the discussion to continue the hard work of self-reflection, education, and building communities that are truly safe, supportive, and inclusive for all.

Webinar: “The effects of police brutality and racism on Black students and professionals in education”

Date:               Thursday, June 4, 2020

Time:               12:30 – 2:00 EST

To register:     https://lnkd.in/e6b58mG

Student Forum: “The Truth Is: Black Lives Still Matter” 

Date: Friday, June 4, 2020

Time: 5:00 PM (EST)

To Join:  https://psu.zoom.us/j/99045381011?pwd=bjdodDFDNW03QlNBeVo5dkNLdVkrdz09

              Password: 274834

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2. Instructions for submitting to the listserv


Please submit the email with the subject line ‘MEGA Listserv submission’ to Cierra Chandler at cbc5718@psu.edu

Please submit with complete text and any fliers or images that can be directly copied into the email.

Please submit by 5:00 PM Tuesday prior to the MEGA update Wednesday.

3. Wednesday’s Fun Fact 

The 100 folds in a chef’s hat represent 100 ways to cook an egg. The pleats used to signify a chef’s level of experience, like the number of ways he or she knew how to prepare eggs. – Reclutant Gourmet
Have a great week!
Best Regards,
Cierra Chandler
Doctoral Student, Material Science and Engineering
MEGA WebMaster
Pennsylvania State University