Happy Wednesday MEGA members!

We hope that everyone is safe and staying healthy. The presentation from our last GBM is attached. See below for additional resources and opportunities.

1. Health Promotion & Wellness with Assistant Director Erin Raupers (9/15 @ noon )
2. “Welcome Back- New Faculty Mentor” with Dr. Nita Bharti (9/14 @ noon)
3. Study Invitation – STEMM College Students of Color
4. Additional Wellness Events

5. Join our WhatsApp!

6. Instructions for submitting to the listserv

7. Wednesday’s Fun Fact


1. Health Promotion & Wellness with Assistant Director Erin Raupers (9/15 @ noon )

Hello MEGA members,
MEGA has invited Erin Raupers from PSU Wellness and Health Center for our next GBM to talk about health and wellness.
Please join us on Tuesday, September 15th at 12 PM online at this zoom link!


2. “Welcome Back- New Faculty Mentor” with Dr. Nita Bharti (9/14 @ noon)

Dr. Nita Bharti will be taking over the Faculty Mentor role of Dr. Cooduvalli Shashikant (“Shashi”), the faculty co-founder of MGSinSTEM (Minority Graduate Students in STEM). Join us in getting to know Nita’s graduate school journey as a Penn State alumna!


3. Study Invitation – STEMM College Students of Color

Hi, my name is Dr. Steven Stone-Sabali and I am a researcher at Ohio State University. I am inviting you to participate in a study that seeks to understand the experiences of college students of color in STEMM fields and their experiences with faculty mentors.


Involvement & Duration: 

Participation in the study involves first completing a brief sign-up page. Then you may be selected to complete a phone/video/in-person interview with the researcher. Altogether, participation is expected to take 60 to 90 minutes.



For completing the interview, you will receive one gift card in the amount of $30.



You are currently a college undergraduate or graduate student. You are at least 18 years of age. You identify as an individual of color or a racial or ethnic minority.You are currently enrolled in an academic discipline or major that is related to STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medical Science).


Additional Details and Sign Up:

Ohio State Exempt Research Determination Number: 2020E0648

Learn more or to sign up to participate by clicking the flyer or below link:



4. Additional Wellness Virtual Opportunities

Stress Mini Series
This program is designed to guide you through understanding stress and how it affects you, identifying what causes you stress and learning how to manage it. We will be meeting once every three weeks on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. for 60-minute interactive sessions. Sept 2 & 23., Oct. 14 & Nov. 4. You can register here:  https://psu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zLCr6UofQdusAHM9xkznGg
Well-being Wednesday 
Every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. in 233B HUB starting September 2. You can also join in virtually! We look forward to seeing you at one of our activities! Click the link to attend: https://psu.zoom.us/j/9770901293


5. Join our WhatsApp!


MEGA has a WhatsApp! Join the group to stay up to date on MEGA happenings and events.

Join here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/GBGef5RtMsxJ764USWfsy5

WhatsApp Group Invite


6. Instructions for submitting to the listserv

Please submit the email with the subject line ‘MEGA Listserv submission’ to Cierra Chandler at cbc5718@psu.edu

Please submit with complete text and any fliers or images that can be directly copied into the email.

Please submit by 5:00 PM Tuesday prior to the MEGA update Wednesday.


7. Wednesday’s Fun Fact 

Bees can fly higher than 29,525 feet above sea level. That’s higher than Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world. Bees continue to amaze me! 🐝– National Geographic
Best Regards,
Cierra Chandler
PhD Candidate, Material Science and Engineering
MEGA WebMaster
Pennsylvania State University