Hook, something colorfully written about pride parades
Explain how LGBT+ people weren’t always able to be this open, shift occurred
Thesis: The paradigm shift in the views on the LGBT+ community in America transformed their image from mentally ill and illegal people, to people who are positively represented in the media and gaining their rights.
Body 1: Before and after
1973–APA removed diagnosis from second edition of DSM
How religion played into that belief, conversion therapy
June 26, 2015–gay marriage was legalized in all 50 states
Timeline officially starts in 1970
Now hold pride parades, conventions, etc to celebrate the community
Body 2: Analysis of causes
Conversion therapy fails
Ellen Degenres
Media representation
Body 3: Critique of shift
Not everyone agrees with LGBT+ rights
Still discrimination and setbacks to this day (daily life or trans people not being able to be in the military)
Matters because people deserve to have equal rights and LGBT+ people are part of our society, minority or not
Will continue to push forward and become accepted by more people