Everything Is Changing by Daysormay

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This week, I’ve had “Everything Is Changing” by daysormay on repeat. Daysormay, comprised of twin brothers Carson and Nolan Bassett and Aidan Andrews, is a three-piece band based in Vancouver, BC. I discovered the band when another favorite artist of mine, Tessa Violet, invited them to open for her on her 2019 tour. After seeing them live, I fell in love with their music and ended up joining a group chat on Twitter with other people who enjoy their music. Those people have become some of the best friends I’ve ever made, including the guys in the band. “Everything Is Changing” has been a special song for me and my friends ever since we first heard a demo of it last February. So when the band decided to finally release a studio version last Friday, we were ecstatic.

“Everything Is Changing” is a song about, well, change. The three wrote it a month after they graduated high school, which was an amazing coincidence as the song came into my and many of my friends’ lives when we were graduating high school remotely. The lyrics “everything is changing, but I know I’ll be staying with you” open up the chorus with a comforting and familiar feeling for any graduate. The chorus of this track reminds me of what I wish I could have done after I graduated, which was hug my high school best friends. It feels like the reassurance that everything would be okay no matter how much our lives were about to change that I wasn’t fully able to get when I graduated.


My absolute favorite lyric from this song is in the second verse: “cause I would rather fall than to not have jumped at all.” This line resonates with me because I’ve spent so many years of my life being afraid to take risks. However, when I realized that not taking risks and possibly missing out on great experiences was worse than something not going as I expected, my entire outlook changed. This line is a great reminder of that for me, and whenever I hear it, it hits hard. The slow, open feel of the song allows a lot of space for emotion in the vocals, and you definitely hear that. “Everything is Changing” is perfect for driving home with the windows down on a night where you need a good hug and maybe even a good cry.

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