#5 Junior Counselor at Woodward Camp 

Junior Counselor at Woodward Camp 

My favorite summer was the summer of 2017. That was the summer I became a junior counselor at Woodward Camp, my favorite place on earth. This position included greeting nervous parents dropping their children off at sleep-away camp, ensuring the gyms would be ready for the campers to train in, and helping the young campers feel welcomed in this new setting. Junior counselors were normal campers with these extra responsibilities. They still trained and were able to participate in camp recreational activities.  

In order to be eligible for the position I needed to sign up and pay for one week of camp as a camper, then I would work for two additional weeks at camp. To become a junior counselor, I needed to go through an application process. I gave them my resume and answered several required questions, but because the camp has known me for years, and knows who I am, I was not required to do a phone interview.

I was so happy to become a junior counselor because after all this camp had given me, I was excited to give back. I highly recommend that anyone who has the opportunity to goto Woodward to do it!  

2017 was the first year I was going to Woodward without anyone! Originally, I was supposed to go earlier in the summer with friends, but I injured myself and could not go until a later week in the summer. I was scared to go even though I knew the camp like the back of my hand. This was the first time I would have to make all new friends.  

Right when I got to camp, I had junior counselor orientation. That’s when I made my first friend. It is so easy making friends at Woodward. Everyone is extremely warm and welcoming. I met my group of fellow junior counselors that included gymnasts, cheerleaders, and guys who did parkour. This was the first time I had ever talked to a boy at Woodward. In the past I would only talk to girl gymnastics.  

It was very interesting talking to everyone. Every person had a different background. I met junior counselors from Canada, England, the Cayman Islands, Denmark, and Germany.

I could not believe how far these kids travelled to go to a camp in Pennsylvania!  

Being a junior counselor at Woodward allowed me to experience extreme diversity. I am very thankful for that. I now know how to interact with all types of people. Woodward taught me valuable life lessons without me even knowing it. 

People I was a junior counselor with became my best friends. They helped me decide what college I should go to. They gave me motivation to get through the school year so I could return for another fun filled summer at camp. I am happy to say I still talk to most people I was a junior counselor with. 

If you or your child has the ability to be a junior counselor at Woodward camp do it! Camp changed my life for the better and I know it will do the same for you.  

3 Comments on #5 Junior Counselor at Woodward Camp 

  1. btj5109
    October 22, 2021 at 5:42 pm (3 years ago)

    I love the incorporation of pictures into the blog it helps me to follow along in the experience

  2. mgf5186
    October 22, 2021 at 5:54 pm (3 years ago)

    I loved hearing about your experience! My younger sister would go to Woodward annually when she was more active in Gymnastics. So it’s cool to see someone else enjoy the camp too.

  3. Ashley Herriman
    October 22, 2021 at 6:36 pm (3 years ago)

    I love the way you recounted your experiences in a way that made it easy for the reader to understand and relate too and I love the visual aids.


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