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Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom

I have learned a lot over the course of this flipped classroom unit.  Flipped classrooms is not a new concept to me and I have actually tried it before but I have found with the tools given in this unit, I feel more confident, and at ease in developing my own flipped classroom.  Here are some of the videos and lessons I have designed.

  1. Educreations Video 1

In this first video, I created a short tailored lesson about how to factor by grouping.  This lesson is designed as a review for a student who has already seen factoring in previous years.

2. Educreations Video 2

In this second video, I created a short lesson on how to multiply two binomials.  I showed students two methods on multiplication they could use to help them.

3. Educreations Video 3

In this third video, I created a follow up lesson from video 2 showing students how to use the previous videos knowledge to multiply larger polynomials using the same two methods previously shown.

Lesson: Exponents 

I would assign my video (must sign into edpuzzle to view) as homework from the previous lesson but most likely assign it on a Monday and have it due for them on Wednesday night.  This way I would be able to allow for internet issues and for students who were having a hard time logging in.  The activity and games would be on Thursday following students watching the video.

The video is an Edpuzzle video so I would use student answers to help guide my Thursday material.  I would start the lesson with student common misconceptions on the mainly missed questions.  I would also have a share out for the remainder of practice problems on their notepage.  This share out would be completed as an entire class and volunteers would come up to board to answer.

After we would complete the share out and notepage (10-15mins), I have an exponent matching game I would have them play with their partners.  As partners matched the cards together, I would walk around and help students or stop students if I saw an incorrect match.  Lastly, if there is time in class we would play around the world (a card with a problem is presented in front of two students, the student who says the correct answer the fastest moves to the next person and continues traveling around the classroom “world”) with more straight forward exponent questions.  Students who traveled the farthest would receive candy or extra credit for homework.


Published inLDT 550

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