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Project 1: Mini Lesson Modeling a business

This mini lesson was one of my favorite things to create and facilitate over my three and a half years at Penn State.  I felt this way because I was creating a lesson that I would be using with my students this year (fall of 2020).  So I felt the artifact was very relevant to my needs for this class and for my teaching practice.  

When it comes to design, I think we need to constantly change and evolve with learners, systems, and facilitators.  As a designer it is important to gain feedback from users to help modify and change and mold your product to meet the needs of this changing environment.  With so much change happening due to technology, educators/designers are having to modify how they teach/design and present content.  The design choices I made in this project represent the readings and knowledge gained from this class but also classes before.  Some of these design choices include utilizing an “absorb, do, connect” model in how I set up the lesson and being very deliberate with collaboration within the lesson so students could build upon each other’s knowledge.  Since this was one of the later classes in the LDT program I was able to utilize prior knowledge and lessons learned before, to help create an experience for the user which showed connection to real world concepts, emotional intelligence, and thoughtful use of technology.

Please enjoy the following video walking you through this first project and the design decisions I made to help me complete it.


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