SoTL Workshop Reflection

AEE 530 FlyerOn April 20th, Jenna and I presented a workshop on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).

This was a hard topic to figure out how to teach effectively  within our constraints (time, varying knowledge level, etc.) but we decided to focus our workshop on a discussion. We really hoped that more professors would come, so we could hear about their experience and thoughts on SoTL. Unfortunately, we did not have as many professors as we hoped, but I felt that there was still a really interesting and valuable discussion

I felt really comfortable with the way we planned out and formatted our workshop. If I could change anything, I think I would have added a video or something a little bit more active. It was in our lesson plan to rearrange the pods (groups of 4 individuals) before we began our discussion but we had a smaller group than anticipated so we decided not to. I think that is an important part of teaching-adjusting as needed to the situation we are confronted with. As an educator, I will never have complete control but I know that I can be flexible and adjust as needed.

The biggest tips that I took away from our workshop series was…

  • Clear Directions-Check for understanding. Check for questions.
  • Time Management-Pacing tools like a presentation is helpful to stay on track. Everyone’s time in valuable so don’t waste it!
  • Allowing time for experiential learning-activities take time so don’t be afraid to let the learner’s use that time!
  • Value of handouts-Good handouts are invaluable!
  • Dr. Foster’s “Flex Activity”-With my background in 4-H programming, I could see the usefulness of this and am really surprised that this isn’t something I have learned about before! Honestly, a flex activity is useful in any situation!

This “experiential learning” method was very useful because teaching a brief lesson in front of a group is much different than teaching a brief lesson in front of a camera. For me, I am use to working with a much different age group so this experience helped me to feel more comfortable with a new age group and a new piece of teaching.