RCL #6

Civilization has changed in so many ways throughout time; With these changes comes new traditions, cultures, norms, political ideals, governments. Within these premises, a shift seen throughout history is strategy in warfare. This is distinctly seen between World War I and II. During the Great War, “The War that would end all Wars,” defensive strategies such as trench warfare dominated battles, thereby increasing the length and casualties throughout 1914-1918. Additionally, the introduction of chemical warfare and science in warfare created ethical arguments. What was too much during war? Can war ever be moral? Is technology having a positive or negative impact on ethics?  After the end of WWI, people increasingly asked these types of questions. As the rise of fascism shook Europe in the 30s, morality came back into the spotlight.

Once WWII began, new strategies took over. In WWI, defensive trench warfare consumed all battles. Now, new offensive plans, including blitzkrieg, air assaults, tanks, offensive infantry, and no trenching whatsoever. By comparing these wars, they show a paradigm shift in warfare technology and strategy while additionally highlighting ethical conduct with the new technology.

A whole other idea I am thinking about writing is the shift in popular music from the 1950s to present day. Pop music is what is popular. While thought of as a genre, the genre itself shifts as culture/ideas/norms shift. Each decade has its own unique version of “pop.” From the British Invasion, to Psychedelic rock, to hair bands, then synth, R&B, to present with rap. This change symbolizes change in society as a whole.

While presenting this paradigm shift, I will argue that society shapes music and as society changes, music taste changes. But, is it the music or the people who change first? Does music have a more symbolic meaning to society or are they random words that just rhyme? All these questions and more will be presented in my essay/TED talk on the ramifications music has on society and how music shapes society (or society shapes music.) I will present my paradigm shift on this topic by relenting hit songs to events that occurred around the same time and how music has changed over time.


One thought on “RCL #6”

  1. I think war is a great choice for your paradigm shift. It’s grounded in history and there are statistics for a clear change in war and war strategies.

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