Here we are at last! Passion blog 15. It has been a long road since my first metrology post at the beginning of the year, and I cannot say that I will miss writing these. Either way, thank you to everyone who has read and commented. For this last blog, I would like to make Read More…
USCS Mass and Weight (Part 2)
Let us continue our discussion of the great debacle called the US mass system. To demonstrate the second problem with Customary mass, I shall lead off with a meme of my own creation. I hope that, by the end of this blog, you find it as uproariously funny as I do. To further demonstrate my Read More…
USCS Mass and Weight (Part 1)
When, in my last passion blog, I said that the USCS weight measurements are a mess I was not joking. Today, we are going to explore this convoluted portion of the United States’ measuring system, so hold on tight. To begin, we will have to establish whether we are talking about mass or weight. Remember Read More…
We will now be transitioning slightly into talking about the United States Customary System (USCS). Compared to the careful planning and revisions of the SI, the USCS looks like a gnarled hodgepodge. The USCS forgoes any semblance of a uniform system of abbreviation, and the transition between ounces and pounds will make one yearn for Read More…
The Kilogram (kg)
At last. Here we are at the end of the metric road. If you have read earlier posts, you know that we have been examining each of the SI’s seven base units. We have covered six of these and are now ready to discuss the kilogram. The kilogram is the SI unit of mass, and Read More…