Analyzing and Implimenting Research

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Image by Wired

Statistics can be used to prove anything, even if the proof is not real. Research studies are used in the process of arguing numerous topics. Their conclusions are seen as fact. However, these studies can often hold bias and are manipulated to aid the presenter’s best interest.

The article, Studies Are Usually Bunk, Study Shows, analyzes how behavioral research studies are misleading. The piece describes how these studies are often biased due to the sample sizes and overall purpose. Manipulation of these research studies has damaged the population’s ability to regard such pieces with skepticism. Since the research is ‘scientific’, it is automatically trusted.

Skeptical regard to research is essential when writing a paper. When preparing research for a paper, one must carefully examine the contents and credibility of the source. This can be done by looking in libraries’ databases, and not on Wikipedia. Scholarly articles are great resources of information that can help develop an essay.

For my Paradigm Shift essay, I will be sure to not use behavioral studies since they are shown to not be credible. My topic is the shifts of global religion, so the subject is already susceptible to bias. I have to be very careful in picking credible sources for my paper. Research studies on my topic would easily be bunked because religion is so personal and unique to each person. I have to keep in mind that each culture has different views on aspects and interpretations of religion. Facts and ideas that may be relevant in the revivals of Christianity will not be relevant to Buddhism.

Overall, author Andy Kessler is right; the world is not binary, but research studies are.

Religion and Paradigm Shifts

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Image by the National Museum of Women in the Arts

Ideology is not the same as religion. Crazy, right?

These two terms are often confused in modern-day discussions of morals and ethics. Both concepts can be traced back to the dawn of civilization. They influence people’s opinions, emotions, and overall way of life. So, what’s the big difference?

All forms of religion have the concept of a superhuman power that controls the universe. This can be found in forms of gods, or anything that requires some type of worship. Religion is a set of moral codes that are tied directly to a spiritual guide. It is completely based on faith.

On the other hand, ideology is entirely political. This term deal with ideas linked to political theory. Ideology is based on proofs that are derived from economics or political.

With that understood, a Paradigm Shift is defined as a change in the understanding of an idea. This term is often used in scientific situations to describe a shift in the thinking of the educational mind. Paradigm shifts are linked to ideology. Ideology is often confused with religion due to the many similarities. So, this term can also be used to describe religious revivals or a direct change in prior theological thought.

Religious revivals are characterized as a shift of the church to the original ethics and morals of the religion after a period of sin. These movements are scattered throughout history.

Firstmost, Christianity is the world’s largest religion with 2.4 billion followers. It has experienced perhaps the most famous revivals that are well documented in western history. Starting in the 4th century, Christianity rose to prominence when declared the official religion of the Roman Empire. Throughout centuries, fellowship remained high, lasting through the breakdown of empires and declaration of wars. It wasn’t until the 16th century when the first major historical shift in the religion began.

Due to corruptness in the Catholic church, a sect of Christians broke away and developed what would be known as Protestantism. This lead to the creation of many different denominations of Christianity with different interpretations of religious texts. A pattern continued, revivals occurring through varying periods of history. In the United States, the most prominent would be the Great Awakenings, events that revitalized Protestant church attendance in the 1790s and 1830s.

The revivals in Christianity is just one example of Paradigm Shifts in religion. Similar events can be found in societies around the world. Religion has a presence in many people’s lives, making it a very relatable topic to all audiences. In the United States, church attendance is falling at an increasing rate. If one looks at historical trends, it can be inferred that modern ‘Great Awakening’ will happen. It is just the question of when.